金融具体哪方面?梦需要具体点才可能实现。 -- by 会员 51xt (2012/5/25 15:40:25)
个人可能很狭隘的理解,在企业做财务,在大的headoffice,精力就是跟各个部门勾心斗角,邮件来邮件去的打架 (美其名曰coordinate),在小office或者plant,处理的就是各种鸡毛蒜皮的破事 (最近情绪有点消极)。往上走,基本要靠整人,管人,站队,看形势。个人感觉性格上不合适,虽然也在往上走但感觉心累,而且本人性格粗线条,不愿去管那些filling,voucher,invoice这些小事。之所以想往金融上靠,还是因为性格,感觉自己比较喜欢单打独斗,对分析,金融模型很有兴趣,所以想去投行发展。 -- by 会员 daocao (2012/5/25 16:02:26)
Ai, grass is always greener a
My friend, who does what you are doing now, 3 graders higher than me, company car, half million relocation fee.
To be fair, he worked really hard when he was younger and then he came to our company.
Firstly he worked for asia-pacific region for a few years, now he is in headquarter and write emails all the time.
That is something I dreamed for, lol. |