Hello my friend. Your 710 is right on the border, as you know. If the rest of your application is VERY strong, then you should be just fine this year. And without reading your essays it is impossible for me to tell. Do you think that you can raise your score? Here is what we tell all our clients (Chinese and US-based) who have borderline scores. If you are quite sure that you can raise your score, then RETAKE THE TEST. If you are not so sure that you can, then dont bother. : ) What a waste of time it would be, for you to study...and not raise your score. But if you are confident that your 710 doesnt represent your abilities, then retake it. It will be worth it--it could be the difference between a top 30 school and a top 15 school. So the question is...how confident are you that you can improve? Good luck to you, and I hope this helps. Let me know what more we can do to help! Jon Frank -- by 会员 JonFrank (2011/5/1 0:52:27)
agree with jon。在中国学生的pool里,710的确不能算高分(但是也不低了)。所以我觉得710的G不会给LZ任何的优势,但是也不会带来很明显的劣势。
不知道LZ这20名左右的bschool的target是怎么来的。如果LZ是根据自己的GT成绩综合GPA来定位的话,那我觉得就有点本末倒置了。LZ肯定也做过一定的功课,才会得出20名左右这么一个target range。我觉得至少在academic package部分,710+83/100申请Top20的学校够用了。
但是话说回来,如果LZ仅仅是因为忙,抽不出时间而决定不再考一次的话,我觉得LZ有必要重新考虑读MBA的必要性。life is not easy,但是时间只要肯挤,总是有的。我觉得LZ可以花时间考虑一下Why MBA? Why now?What's your short-term & long-term career goal?这几个问题不仅在整个申请过程中(both essay and interview)非常重要,而且如果想清楚了这些问题,就可以比较轻松地明确自己的dream school(Finance or General Management or Operation etc.),明确自己有多么需要这个MBA degree(或者说原意付出多少时间和精力来chase your dream)。这样就可以自己回答自己需不需要重考了。 |