According to two teams of paleontologists, recent fossil discoveries in Pakistan show that whales, porpoises, and dolphins are more closely related to some of the oldest known even-toed ungulates--a group of hoofed mammals that today includes cows, camels, pigs, and hippos--than to any other mammals.
According to two teams of paleontologists, recent fossil discoveries in Pakistan show that whales, porpoises, and dolphins are more closely related to some of the oldest known even-toed ungulates
--a group of hoofed mammals that today includes cows, camels, pigs, and hippos--than to any other mammals.
(A) that whales, porpoises, and dolphins are more closely related to some of the oldest known even-toed ungulates--a group of hoofed mammals that today includes cows, camels, pigs, and hippos--than
(B) that whales, porpoises, and dolphins are more closely related to some of the oldest known even-toed ungulates--a group of hoofed mammals that today include cows, camels, pigs, and hippos--as
(C) whales, porpoises, and dolphins to be more closely related to some of the oldest known even-toed ungulates--a group of hoofed mammals that today include cows, camels, pigs, and hippos--than they are
(D) whales, porpoises, and dolphins as being more closely related to some of the oldest known even-toed ungulates--a group of hoofed mammals that today includes cows, camels, pigs, and hippos--as they are
(E) whales, porpoises, and dolphins as more closely related to some of the oldest known even-toed ungulates--a group of hoofed mammals that today include cows, camels, pigs, and hippos--than