Liu Jin, Full Professor of Accounting, taught at UCLA Sun Baohong, Dean's Distinguished Chair,  rofessor of Marketing, taught at UC Berkeley, UNC Chapel Hill and Carnegie Mellon University, used to hold Carnegie-Bosch Chair and Xerox Research Chair at Carnegie Mellon University Wang Neng, Visiting Professor of Finance, Chaired Professor at Columbia Li Xuenan, Visiting Assistant Professor of Finance from University of Michigan Vicki Tang, Visiting Associate Professor of Accounting from Georgetown University
It should be noted that Li Haitao is a chaired Professor at Michigan as well
Nevertheless, it is still telling that so many renowned scholars picked CKGSB. The reason is that CKGSB follows faculty governance and thus can truely be independent of any outside authority.
Some may say that these professors chose CKGSB because it pays better than others. That is not true as Shanghai Advance Institute of Finance gives faculty the highest pay in Asia. Scholars tend to value independence more than anything else and they all choose CKGSB if they could.
Some may say i dont care if the professor gets his tenure from Harvard or from Malaysia. However, for those who would like to take courses from top scholars tenured at Yale, Wharton, UCLA, UC Berkeley, Columbia, Michigan, Carnegiem Mellon University, NYU, Kellogg, CKGSB gives them choices to interact with these top scholars. Students wants to learn from smart and wise gurus and that is what CKGSB offers.
CKGSB builds human capital first and bricks and motar later. The campus in Beijing is in construction right now. The size is about 200 Chinese Acres and it will take a while to complete
It should be a good news for the fans of CKGSB``````````Hope that one day we could really have a world top class BS
-- by 会员 leon53 (2011/4/27 22:16:57)
According to the bluescript, CKGSB may rank top 10 after 2012...
-- by 会员 neilzc (2011/4/27 22:24:16)
全世界top10的MBA商学院貌似只有Kellogg开了PT班。 PT班就是砸牌子的。
-- by 会员 flyeoc (2011/4/27 22:42:57)
However, you should know that the United States does not have Ministry of Education. in China, all expansions have to be approved by the Ministry of Education. CEIBS got away with it as they do not offer the MOE degree.
MOE are controlled by the likes from Tsinghua and PKU and they try their best to contain CKGSB as they view it as a threat to the incumbents and the independence and innovations at CKGSB make they sweat. CKGSB has applied to expand its full time MBA program for years but it has not been approved.
It goes without saying that if China truely wants offer the first class education to its people, Ministry of education must give more freedom to schools as schools know best about education. Unfortunately, it is probably not going to happen for the next twenty years and all independent schools have to work within the constraint.
It should be a good news for the fans of CKGSB``````````Hope that one day we could really have a world top class BS
-- by 会员 leon53 (2011/4/27 22:16:57)
According to the bluescript, CKGSB may rank top 10 after 2012...
-- by 会员 neilzc (2011/4/27 22:24:16)
全世界top10的MBA商学院貌似只有Kellogg开了PT班。 PT班就是砸牌子的。
-- by 会员 flyeoc (2011/4/27 22:42:57)
为什么还会有这种误解呢? You can check BOOTH (NO.1) or HKUST, whatever shcool. That's a matter of fact, most of the top BS has the PT class, I do wish friends can get rid of that TS rumor.
如果真的治学严谨,如BOOTH, 那PT就仅仅是失去一个实习的平台,应该说适合不同的人群罢了。我所认识的HR,不会机车到以PT,或者FT去challenge别人,肯定还是主要看经验。如果自己是老板,PT? FT? It matters?