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发表于 2019-10-17 18:58:43 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
  • like只做介词,不做连词 没有such like 只有 such as
  • be to do —> will do
  • easily 一般放在最后比较好
  • 不考could have been / should have been的虚拟用法
  • V+ing 记得看后面的主语
  • 看主谓宾一定要一致
  • 动词要注意主动还是被动 注意时态
  • 动词has have 要看清楚前面单复数
  • more than / as… as
  • are native to
  • attempt to do …
  • under xxx = according to
  • people who 不能用people which
  • doubt whether/ no doubt that(因为已经确定了)
  • out of = because of
  • little (water or services) little 修饰两个词,所以错误了 little不能修饰services
  • way to do sth.
  • 代词不能代替一个句子
  • be known to do  —>  做什么出名了 be known as + n. 作为什么而出名,不能加 doing
  • 逗号后面不要加prep+doing
  • conceive of + as
  • date to be /as being不对 there be + done 表达不行 不选 名词+having been done 不会选 and also 不选 名词+ that be adj 不对 不简洁 人+who be adj 也不对 do it 不用 用 do so 不用maybe 只用perhaps和probably 可以用may be
  • appear to do sth. appear as 看上去像什么
  • equipped to do 准备做
  • try doing 尝试做 try to do
  • greater+likelihood the more the more
  • little / less/ least + 单数形式 few/fewer复数
  • these 后面要直接+
  • 连词后面要加句子
  • only要保留 some也最好保留
  • Bring A to B = Bring to B A 宾语后置
  • wide range of range 常用
  • xxx of xxx 比 xxx's xxx好
  • may have done 对过去的推测
  • 考试一般倾向用形式主语 it is xxxx
  • 用whether不用whether or not啰嗦 不用if
  • once at one time 选once简洁
  • liken A to B
  • 主将来从现在 主句用将来时,从句只能用现在时
  • target at
  • 没有continuing
  • each of + 单数谓语,名词+each+复数
  • 10 percent of + 名词 名词的单复数决定谓语的单复数

  • 表达不简洁
Obama made a great significance.
Obama made an impact of great significance.
同根词 v.>adj.>n.>v+ing 同样的词变来的词
  • 表达不清晰
not clear ambiguous 只能表达一种意思
some food allergy / allergy to some food
some 修饰food 还是allergy?因为food和allergy都是名词
some food (A) allergy (B)
allergy(B) to (prep) (A)some food  
B 介词 A > AB
  • 表达不忠实原文
原文不改变,agree with the original meaning
Only Tom can understand birds.
Tom only can understand birds.
only some 的位置不能改变哦 只放在要修饰的词语之前
例如 Only Tom Only can

  • 读原句,看主要结构找主谓宾,找错误
  • 必要选项,竖着读,找差异
  • 排除错误,找到答案,先排除绝对,再找相对的

  • more than/ as … as 倍数之后都对,数字只能用more than
more as/ as than都是错的
  • like句型 要立马给出比较对象
Like A,B V C,AB比较,同类的东西
B V C,like A
B like A,V C 考AB要对等
  • as 表示像 + 句子
Owning a villa is a dream of Tom, as it(owning a villa) is of jerry.
要跟主句主谓对应,it对应owning a villa, is —> is
  • 名词+that is red啰嗦,不选

连接 有连词 语法功能相同的部分
Tom loves apples and bananas. And (Apples Bananas 都是宾语) 宾语
What people do and what people love are often different 从句并列
名词和名词/ 句子和句子
What people do and their interests are different 不对 句子和词不能并列 Their jobs and their interests are different.
  • 词性一致 形容词 / 名词 形容词跟形容词 名词跟名词
  • 并列连词 and/or/but/yet  not… but.. not only… but also neither… nor neither  either … or … both … and …
rather than … … as well as …

  • 一组平行只有一个and A,B,C and D
  • 多组平行多个and A, B and C, and D 找大平行 再找小平行 大平行 123 小平行是2
一组平行一个and 多个平行 大小 要有2个and (重点)

  • 不定式/情态动词/助动词 可以省略
to do A and (to) do B 不定式
can do A and (can) do B 情态动词
have done A and (have) done B 助动词
注意两项以上并列(下列都正确 关键看第二 跟着第二)
to do A, to do B and to do C
to do A, do B and do C
  • 从句引导词并列
I believe that SVO and that SVO  一个都不能省
Tom loves Jerry because SVO and (because) SVO

Tom loves apples, bananas and success. 含义不对等 就是逻辑问题了
smell/touch/taste/sight/hearing 动名词
hearing a story 不能跟名词平行

  • 经常性 习惯性的 每隔一段时间
  • 客观规律(有时态混用)Some one found that the earth moves around the Sun.
  • 表示过去结束的动作
I don’t know you are an expert at Marxism 以前不知道
I didn’t know you are an expert at Marxism.  这个才是对的
  • 表示过去发生的动作,一直持续到现在
Up to now, I have studied English for 8 years. for xxx years 并不能代表现在完成时
  • 过去的动作对现在造成了影响,没有明确的过去时间,不然就是过去时了
I had lunch yesterday
I have had Lunch yesterday  错误
I have had lunch, so I am not hungry. 有一个上下文 强调了对现在的影响
at that time 也是一个明确的时间
  • 过去的过去,过去的某个动作之前发生的
  • 跟一般过去时连用,跟距离现在的远近无关。用来比较。与过去时比较
Before XM went to US 3 years ago, he had lived in China for 18 years.
have lived 比went 更早 强调比过去时更早

  • 介宾短语 A (prep B) Verb 动词单复数跟A一样 主语是A
The books by Rowling are very popular. Books 复数 所以用are

有例外, 例外是固定搭配 固定搭配
(A prep) B Verb The number ( of students) is / A number of students are
前面是 The number 主语,is of都无所谓,(A number of =many some)固定搭配
例如 a lot of = many / lots of  all of + B 跟后面B 10 percent of B + 跟着B   two thirds of
Students each have, Each of students has
  • 插入语
A, B, Verb 跟着A一样,B是插入语,是个修饰语
Tom, in spite of his age, is still charming.
  • 倒装句 谓语前面找不到主语
There is a rat in Tom’s car. There 不是主语 所以这个是倒装
Here comes a bus Here不是主语 也是倒装 A bus comes here
adj adv 介宾都不能坐主语
On the desk is an OG.
Beautiful is the girl.
Lovely the girl acts.
  • 就近原则
not only A but also B + Verb
Neither A nor B + Verb
either A or B + Verb
or 也是用就近原则
  • 复合主语
A and B + are
A house and a wife are
Money and a wife are
water and air are
例外 A and B是一个东西时候 + is A poet and writer 只有一个a
A poet and a writer + are
The Old Man and The Sea is 是一本书 Pride and Prejudice is 也是一本书 用的斜体表示

A V B prep C + that 指 B C都有可能 要根据意思判断

非谓语动词 to do,doing,done
  • 基本用法 其他都可以做,除了谓语之外不能做 To see is to believe. 主 系 表
  • 主要当名词用,可以做主语宾语表语等。Seeing is believing. 主 系 表
分词作逻辑主语 (要找到真正的主语,动作是谁发出的)
  • 现在分词 doing 过去分词 done
  • 分词只能做定语和状语 地位低一点 不能做主要成分 只能修饰 去掉也对句子没什么影响
  • 位于句首的 doing/done 出现了,是一个动作,是谁做的,逻辑主语就是谁,后面的主句的主语发出的
doing/done, SVO 例子 Beating Tom black and blue, Jerry is happy. Beaten black and blue, Tom is crying.
prep+doing, SVO, By doing that, we can xxxxx
(Being) adj. + prep+n, SVO 例子 (Being) Famous through the world, Confucius was a great.
  • SVO doing/done (定语)
I know that man telling stories. I know the story told by Tom. 修饰定语
名词+doing 表示这个名词man主动发出的,done 表述这个名词story 被动发出
  • SVO, doing
第一种情况 Tom walked into his office, singing a folk song. 这个是伴随状语,同时发生,是前面的主语发出的动作
第二种情况 Confucius taught 72 excellent students, making him famous. 结果状语 是前面的主句发出的动作

  • 单复数问题 单数:he/she/it/its 复数 they/their
  • 代词要代替对象 没有代替对象就是错的
  • 代词不能代替句子 例子:Tom loves Jerry, which is true. 错误
  • 相同代词要等于相同内容 两个they 或者两个代词 要认真看 两个it要等于一个相同意思
  • it 做形式主语/形式宾语 It is exciting to play golf. Tom found it exciting to play golf.
To play golf 主语, 前面有it往后面找主语 为了避免主语太大。主语不应该太笨重。
Tom 主语 it 形宾 to play golf 真的宾语
It is weird that Tom loves Jerry. that Tom loves Jerry 是真正的主语 (唯一的意外,it可以代替句子)
  • 做主语的代词首先指主语,否则指其他(看单复数)
SVO,and(连词) S’V’O’ 例子
Tom has two dogs, and he is handsome.
Tom has two dogs, and they are fat.
  • 定语从句引导词 who/that/which
(1) 就近指代
(2) that 只能代替物品 who 指people
(3) A V B, which , which不代替句子,which也不能指A,只能指B,宾语后面的which不能指主语

形容词和副词的用法 (差异点)
(1) adj+n 只能修饰名字
(2) adv + adj./ adv./verb/句子  副词永远不能修饰名词
very beautiful/ very quickly / run quickly
Unfortunately, Tom was beaten.

  • adj adj n
  • adv adj n very beautiful girl
  • adv doing/done(adj) n, Constantly changing society

补语 补足
  • 主语补足语
  • 宾语补足语
  • 通常用名词,形容词
He is called Tom. Tom 补充说明He 主语
We call him Tom. Tom 补充说明him 宾语

Manhattan 语法
  • 单独的clause之间要有连词,句子和句子之前有连词不然就是runon,或者用;代表however,therefore,in addition 转折词 前面也是;therefore
  • 主谓一致 一些词除外
  • 重复用词要留意
  • 看到 and unlike both more 要反应 marker
  • Max's grandmother is his supposed Irish ancestor ; Max’s grandmother is his supposedly Irish ancestor 所以用supposed 不对,因为这样就是 可能不是他的祖先,2对,可能不是irish祖先 类似的 corresponding,frequent,independent,rare, recent,seeming,separate,significant, supposed, usual
  • 形容词只修饰名词或者代词;副词不能修饰名词和代词
  • 名词和它的修饰语要越近越好
  • whom 和 who 只用来修饰人
  • whose可以用来指代人/物
  • which 和 whom 会跟着一个介词
  • where可以用来指代 一个地方 area site country Nevada
  • where不能指代 condition situation case circumstances arrangement 这样要用in which
  • when 用来 指代 time — period age 1987 decade , in which 也可以
  • 句意很重要 FANBOYS for, and, nor, but, yet, so, or  ; therefore
  • although before unless because that so that if yet after while since when + SVO都不是完整句 前面+,因为他们是subordinating conjunction
  • which不指代句子
  • among 三个 between 两个
  • 描述numbers 用greater than 不用 morethan more than用在确切的数量 more than 35%
  • ,which 是不是可以去掉,对主句是不是有影响?是的话那就是,which 如果去不掉 那就是that
  • like 后面可以+名词代词 名词短语,不能+有动词的 as才可以+有动词的
  • 没看到than 别用比较级 现实生活可以,但是GMAT需要指出than什么
  • 不要用er去对比ly
  • these this 不代替名词 后面必须+确切的东西
  • 有包括现在时间的  用has been 只有一个确切时间点 用 did
  • had 要比过去更加跟过去 就是比较
  • try to do/ succeed in doing /attribute to /ability to do /allow to do / and 没有also/ because of/ on account of + 名词/because + 句子 /despite doing /consider 直接就是+n或者adj/expept that will/ expect … to/are expected to/ indicate that  / not just .. but / a decline in xxx health has declined 都对/ can do / capable of doing/ have the capability of doing / in order to do / to do / not only… but/
  • xxx of xxx , 遇到数量,时间 the week ofxxx the year of xxx the amount of xxx
  • 引号:前面要是一个完整的句子,:后面的 要跟:前面的内容一致,namely :用于解释,:后面可以解释:前面的句子或者是前面的东西
  • -可以用来弄走ambiguity  也可以用来代替,;或者:,-代替:的时候不需要放在需要解释的东西的后面
  • 注意集合名词  agency,army audience class committee crowd orchestra 单数 gmat
  • data 注意看主句 就能知道划线的用什么
  • anyone anybody anything no one/ nobody/nothing /each/ every /someone / somebody /everyone/everybody/everything/either/neither/whatever/whoever/someone 都是用单数
  • 有一些SANAM 可以是单数也可以是复数 some any none all more most/ half/ majority/minority/plurality 用of判断,看跟着的宾语的单复数
  • each every either 都是用 单数 他和 number 单数 a number of (some many) 复数
  • having xxxx  is / whether xxx is 都用单数
  • 如果Y 属于X 不要用Y of X‘s
  • orchestra decides
  • whom和who指代区别
  • five times as old as
  • is metting — will meet
  • do so — 指代动作/句子 do it it指代名词
  • 状态动词 know signify — 不用ing 表现在
  • if present, then present ;
  • if present, then can or may ;
  • if present , then future ;
  • if hypothetic subjunctive then conditional (if 虚拟,then would);
  • if past perfect,then conditional perfect
  • advise / allow/forbid/persuade/want to do
  • demand, dictate/insist/mandate/propose/recommend/request/stipulate / suggest 表desire的时候用虚拟
  • ask/beg/intend/order/prefer/urge/require (to do 虚拟都行)
  • prohibit from doing
  • if 句子里+ would 不对
  • not xxx or xx
  • “Due to”在仅仅等同于“caused by”,因此只能说“A is due to B”(作A的表语)或“A due to B”(作A的定语),而不能等同于“because of”作原因状语。DUE to不能放前面
  • itself themself不能做主语
  • attribute to和result语意重复
  • 不能用without A nor B,用without A or B=without A or without B,
  • expert authority 重复
  • Something is much earlier/ easier than sb. previously believed/ thought
  • so... as to... 和 so... that...
  • 一般说起来如果so...that...可以选,坚决不选so... as to...,so that在gmat的优先级就是比so as to高so as to后面接的是一个比较长远的,需要一段时间实现的,需要推测的目的;而so that就是一个direct的目的,只要做了,我就会变得怎么样
  • despite the fact that,没有despite that;despite是介词
  • immune to是免疫某种细菌or疾病,而immune from是逃脱某种duty or fee
  • A is to B what C is to do
  • 抽象用in which不用where
  • instead of + n
  • equip for 错
  • 同一个句子里的they them不能指不同的东西 it itself its
  • It is more likely that ...
  • A is more likely to do ...

  • act as = function act like = similar behaviors
  • affect
  • aggravate = make worse aggravating to = annoying to
  • agree that
  • aid one’s xxx aid to + n. aid in doing sth. aid for + n.
  • aim at doing/with the aim of doing / with the aim to do不对
  • anxiety that + clause / anxiety about n
  • appear as + n. = show up as , appears adj. = seems adj. appear that, appear to have been
  • apply to + n
  • as long as it is , so long as it is , provided that it is
  • as xxx so xxx / just as xxxx so xxx
  • ask for / ask to do
  • attribute to
  • aware of n. aware that xxx
  • recover from. not "recover out of
  • preoccupied with curious about
  • unlike, in contrast to, in contrast with
  • estimate to be 10 dollars

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