1。 Out of America's fascination with all things antique have grown a market for bygone styles of furniture and fixtures that are bringing back the chaise lounge, the overstuffed sofa, and the claw-footed bathtub. (A) things antique have grown a market for bygone styles of furniture and fixtures that are bringing (B) things antique has grown a market for bygone styles of furniture and fixtures that is bringing (C) things that are antiques has grown a market for bygone styles of furniture and fixtures that bring (D) antique things have grown a market for bygone styles of furniture and fixtures that are bringing (E) antique things has grown a market for bygone styles of furniture and fixtures that bring 我选E?
2。 Legislation in the Canadian province of Ontario requires of both public and private employers that pay be the same for jobs historically held by women as for jobs requiring comparable skill that are usually held by men. (A) that pay be the same for jobs historically held by women as for jobs requiring comparable skill that are (B) that pay for jobs historically held by women should be the same as for a job requiring comparable skills (C) to pay the same in jobs historically held by women as in jobs of comparable skill that are (D) to pay the same regardless of whether a job was historically held by women or is one demanding comparable skills (E) to pay as much for jobs historically held by women as for a job demanding comparable skills 我选A?
3。New hardy varieties of rice show promise of producing high yields without the costly requirements of irrigation and application of commercial fertilizer by earlier high-yielding varieties. (A) requirements of irrigation and application of commercial fertilizer by earlier high-yielding varieties (B) requirements by earlier high-yielding varieties of application of commercial fertilizer and irrigation (C) requirements for application of commercial fertilizer and irrigation of earlier high-yielding varieties (D) application of commercial fertilizer and irrigation that was required by earlier high-yielding varieties (E) irrigation and application of commercial fertilizer that were required by earlier high-yielding varieties 我选D?