The train would be a fixed linear system, and we live in a world that is spreading out in all directions and in which consumers choose the free-wheel systems。 ”we live in a world that is spreading out in all directions“ 跟“ (省略we live in a world) in which consumers choose the free-wheel systems。”平行 The train would be a fixed linear system跟 we live in a world that is spreading out in all directions and in which consumers choose the free-wheel systems。平行 -- by 会员 wilincl9321 (2012/8/21 13:28:55)
这句话如果按照manhattan上面说的rule就是错的,因为这里用that从句跟in which平行,需要将in which 也转成that.
Ex. The train would be a fixed linear system, and we live in a world that is spreading out in all directions and that leads consumers to choose the free-wheel systems。
楼主说这个句子是正确的,能否把原始的题目完整贴出来?这样可以有更具体和针对性的分析。 |