Several recent studies suggest that a child born into a famly whose members have allergies will probably themselves develop allergies following the onset of a minor viral infection.
A) a child born into a family whose members have allergies wil probably themselves develop allergies
B) children born into families whose members have allergies will probably themselves develop allergies
C) a child born into a family the members of which have allergies will probably develop an allergy
D) in whose families where members have allergies, children will probably develop allergies themselves
E) children born into a family in which there are allergies wil themselves probably develop an allergy
先别忙着解题,这个题目不难,答案是B。 可是C为什么不对呢?“the members of which”挺对我的语感的,可是从语法上分析好象不是很分析得通。请高手指教一下。关键是要告诉我C为什么不可以就可以了。其他的我都会。谢谢!
C) Several recent studies suggest that a child born into a family, the members of which have allergies, will probably develop an allergy following the onset of a minor viral infection. C答案中少了一个逗号,所以不对。