因为无论对于Romans还是Greeks来说 securing control over the maritime trade routes of the Eastern Mediterranean 也就是control 是同一件事 所以前面出现 后面用it指代 而如果用that of就变成了另一个事物 也就表达了roman的control和greeks的control这样子了 违背了原句想表达的“control对于roman就像control对于greek” -- by 会员 flyst7 (2011/9/1 16:57:39)
可不可以理解成: 宾语从句中securing control over the maritime trade routes of the Eastern Mediterranean(主语) was (谓语) a goal(宾语) of Romans 如果选B,想表达like {securing control over the maritime trade routes of the Eastern Mediterranean(主语) was (谓语) a goal(宾语) }of the Greeks 而 that 只能指代一个单数名词,不能指代一个句子。。。。 不知道对不对哦~~~ |