看了你的发言,忍不住要写上两句,请见谅我的冒昧。 我觉得你完全可以申请好的学校,美国和欧洲的都可以。第一你的GMAT不低,比我的高(我只有610),第二好的学校都GMAT都没有最低分数的要求,第三,我看至少我想申请的学校的课程很适合你的,如果你象我一样有34岁了。 仅供参考。 http://www.gsb.stanford.edu/sloan/ http://mitsloan.mit.edu/fellows/checklist.php 更不要说哈佛和沃顿了,他们都有500多分就被录取的。我很奇怪的是为什么你会认为你的GMAT660就不行了呢?不要被那些咨询的或者也在申请的不懂的人吓唬住了,好像真的只有上了700才有被好的学校录取的希望。以你那么多年的工作经历,你认为GMAT的那些考试对商业教育有用吗?所以现在GMAT不是要重新设计吗?因为考的人和用的人都知道那是三十年前的东西,已经过时了,现在用来录取纯属没有办法。美国人的商业都是完全的自我否定。而且,商业永远是没有固定的模式的。分数永远只是参考。套用斯坦福商学院的招生人员的话,就是: GMAT/GRE & TOEFL/IELTS While we know that scores on standardized tests do not always portray your abilities accurately, they still play a helpful role as one piece of an application. We consider your test scores within the context of factors such as the resources available to you, the educational procedures within your university and country, etc. http://www.gsb.stanford.edu/mba/admission/test_scores.html 我很喜欢斯坦福商学院的招生人员说的: 特别是这句话,have confidence in what you have achieved and be faithful to your passions. 每次读它我都很有感慨,觉得我愿意和说这句话的人沟通,听听他的想法。 现在太多的人读MBA是为了工资高点,做什么投资银行或者咨询,或者为了换行业。我不是。所以我很有感触。 你认为呢?兄弟。 欢迎讨论,我的电子邮件: robertchenyx25(A) hotmail.com Now for the encouragement. I urge you to complete the Stanford application in a natural manner. Too often applicants assume that the Committee on Admissions holds a rather narrow view of what constitutes an acceptable candidate, and they shape their applications accordingly.One of the distinguishing characteristics of Stanford’s selection process, however, is our belief that the demands and goals of the MBA Program can be met best through a broad range of backgrounds and career aspirations. Have confidence in what you have achieved. Be faithful to your passions. Trust in what you aspire to accomplish. Approach the application process as a chance for structured reflection—a rare opportunity to explore your values, spark your enthusiasm, and envision your potential. If you do so, you will have the foundation for a strong application. |