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OG-78 题, which 是否可修饰整个句子

发表于 2004-2-11 11:53:00 | 只看该作者

OG-78 题, which 是否可修饰整个句子

78. The root systems of most flowering perennials either become too crowded, which results in loss in vigor. and spread too far outward, producing a bare center.

我对这道题的答案没有任何异议。我只是想借这道题问一下which的功能, 当他引导定语从句时。

我已做了100多道SC in official Guide, 我从来没有见到ETS说which可修饰整个句子, 不单单是指代他前面的先行词。 可是我记得上高中时,老师明明说过which 在引导定语从句时,可指代整个句子。

请问各位,到底which 是否可指代整个句子? 如果可以,给个例子好么?不胜感激!
发表于 2004-2-11 12:50:00 | 只看该作者
根据语法书上的解释, 用which指代整个句子是不正式的用法, 多用于口语上的对话, 然而在GMAT这种比较严谨的文法考试上, 用which指代整句比较不好
发表于 2004-2-12 00:46:00 | 只看该作者
which 的问题是当他指代整句时往往也可以同时指代前面的名词,因此造成两种句意,成为修辞学上的禁忌。我记得OG中有which可以代替前句的。判断的重点在which后面接的动词,一般来说,接非单数动词就可以避免刚刚讲的错误。也就是 , which+单数动词 常错的意思!
 楼主| 发表于 2004-2-12 11:01:00 | 只看该作者
turtle chen, 你能再给详细解释一下么?为什么“接非单数动词就可以避免刚刚讲的错误”?

判断的重点在which后面接的动词,一般来说,接非单数动词就可以避免刚刚讲的错误。也就是 , which+单数动词 常错的意思!

发表于 2004-2-12 14:22:00 | 只看该作者
来看OG 49:
49.    The cameras of the Voyager II spacecraft detected six small, previously unseen moons circling Uranus, which doubles to twelve the number of satellites now known as orbiting the distant planet.
(A) which doubles to twelve the number of satellites now known as orbiting
(B) doubling to twelve the number of satellites now known to orbit
(C) which doubles to twelve the number of satellites now known in orbit around
(D) doubling to twelve the number of satellites now known as orbiting
(E) which doubles to twelve the number of satellites now known that orbit
The pronoun which should be used to refer to a previously mentioned noun, not to the idea expressed in an entire clause. In A, C, and E, which seems to refer to a vague concept involving the detection of moons, but there is no specific noun, such as detection, to which it can refer. Also in E, the use of the phrasing the number... now known that orbit is ungrammatical and unclear. B and D use the correct participial form, doubling, to modify the preceding clause, but D, like A, uses known as orbiting rather than known to orbit, a phrase that is more idiomatic in context. B, therefore, is the best answer.
A C E中的which可以同时指前面整句或Uranus。

78.    The root systems of most flowering perennials either become too crowded, which results in loss in vigor, and spread too far outward, producing a bare center.
(A) which results in loss in vigor, and spread
(B) resulting in loss in vigor, or spreading
(C) with the result of loss of vigor, or spreading
(D) resulting in loss of vigor, or spread
(E) with a resulting loss of vigor, and spread
Choice A misuses which: as a relative pronoun, which should refer to a specific noun rather than to the action of an entire clause. A also produces the unidiomatic and illogical construction either... and.

119.    Executives and federal officials say that the use of crack and cocaine is growing rapidly among workers, significantly compounding the effects of drug and alcohol abuse, which already are a cost to business of more than $100 billion a year.
(A) significantly compounding the effects of drug and alcohol abuse, which already are a cost to business of
(B) significantly compounding the effects of drug and alcohol abuse, which already cost business
(C) significantly compounding the effects of drug and alcohol abuse, already with business costs of
(D) significant in compounding the effects of drug and alcohol abuse, and already costing business
(E) significant in compounding the effects of drug and alcohol abuse, and already costs business
Choice B, the best answer, uses clear and concise phrasing to state that it is the effects of drug and alcohol abuse that already cost business the sum mentioned. In A, to business is awkwardly and confusingly inserted between cost and the prepositional phrase that modifies it, and are already a cost to business is wordy and awkward compared to cost business. In C, already with business costs of... is awkward and unclear, failing to specify that those prior effects generate the cost. Choices D and E produce faulty constructions with the phrase significant in compounding, which cannot grammatically modify the verb form is growing

[此贴子已经被作者于2004-2-12 14:26:25编辑过]
 楼主| 发表于 2004-2-13 10:58:00 | 只看该作者
谢谢turtle, 劳你写了这么多。到CD语法区转了转,才发现自己差很多。

Thanks again!

发表于 2004-4-23 00:45:00 | 只看该作者

119. Executives and federal officials say that the use of crack and cocaine is growing rapidly among workers, significantly compounding the effects of drug and alcohol abuse, which already are a cost to business of more than $100 billion a year.
(A) significantly compounding the effects of drug and alcohol abuse, which already are a cost to business of
(B) significantly compounding the effects of drug and alcohol abuse, which already cost business
(C) significantly compounding the effects of drug and alcohol abuse, already with business costs of
(D) significant in compounding the effects of drug and alcohol abuse, and already costing business
(E) significant in compounding the effects of drug and alcohol abuse, and already costs business
Choice B, the best answer, uses clear and concise phrasing to state that it is the effects of drug and alcohol abuse that already cost business the sum mentioned. In A, to business is awkwardly and confusingly inserted between cost and the prepositional phrase that modifies it, and are already a cost to business is wordy and awkward compared to cost business. In C, already with business costs of... is awkward and unclear, failing to specify that those prior effects generate the cost. Choices D and E produce faulty constructions with the phrase significant in compounding, which cannot grammatically modify the verb form is growing

好像turtle的解释有点牵强, 因为cost是复数,一搞就知道是在讲effect而不是全句

I don't think so, because which is refer to "the effects of drug and alcohol abuse", of course, it should use cost.

但不能由此就推出  which+单数动词 常错 的规则.

因为49T A,C,E错是因为 which从意思上看是要表达detection, 但there is no specific noun, such as detection, to which it can refer.

........detection,which doubles..........我想是对的.   

(which 拼命找丈母娘detection 娶doubles, 可连丈母娘面都见不着,可怎么娶媳妇??对吧)

78T . 是因为which前面就没有名词吗,当然错了

拙见, 请指教.谢谢狗屁GG的分享.能这么细心很难得.thanks

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