Prep1-74 Paleontologist Stephen Jay Gould has argued that many biological traits are not the products of natural selection, favored due to their enhancement of reproduction or survival, but that they are simply random by-products of other evolutionary developments.
(A) due to their enhancement of reproduction or survival, but that they are (B) due to the reproduction or survival they enhance, but they are (C) because they enhance reproduction or survival, but (D) because they enhance reproduction or survival, but are (E) because of enhancing reproduction or survival, but are 答案:D。请问下这道题为什么不选C呢?我看破解版注释说因为如果省略but后的are,会有歧义让人错误的把but当作介词"除了"的用法,和enhance reproduction or survival这部分结构看作一个小整体,而加上are则必然是连词构成not。。。but 结构。但是我的问题在于,这里not。。。but。。。结构的前半部分not后面是一个名词性短语,作为对称结构,but后面也应该是个名词性短语,这里加上了are会不会显得不对称了呢?请多多指教!
[此贴子已经被作者于2009/8/26 9:18:32编辑过] |