7. Obtaining an investment-grade rating will keep the county's future borrowing costs low, protect its already-tattered image, and increase its ability to buy bond insurance. (A) Obtaining an investment-grade rating will keep the county's future borrowing costs low, protect (B) To obtain an investment-grade rating will keep the county's future borrowing costs low, and protect (C) Having obtained an investment-grade rating will, in keeping the county's future borrowing costs low, protect (D) To obtain an investment-grade rating would keep the county's future borrowing costs low, protecting (E) Obtaining an investment-grade rating, keeping the county's borrowing costs low, would be protecting 本题选A没有问题。 答案对于解释B时,说:违反了并列结构的表示方法,and protect中的and多余。 我认为:and加上在语法上是没有问题的,在表达一个强烈的并列语气时,中间的并列部分是可以“逗号和and”一起加的。 而B选项的错误,我认为是在于to obtain.因为obtaining是表示一个长久的,多次的,没有时间概念的事件,to obtain则是表示将来的事情。 原句描述的事情是一件不涉及时间概念的事情,也就是描述一个idea而已,所以改用to obtain没有合理的理由。 大家的对答案的解释和我得解释的看法如何?
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-8-4 23:23:53编辑过] |