三、修饰结构 修饰结构包括修饰从句和修饰词组。GMAT就喜欢把他们的位置颠来倒去,误导你把他们同错误的被修饰对象连在一起。比如: Running on all four legs with startling speed, Sylvia quickly photographed the fleeing chimpanzee. 这句话中Sylvia紧跟在修饰从句之后,导致误解为:Sylvia could run on all fours with startling speed,但既然如此,她又如何拍照呢?显然不make sense。正确的应该是: Sylvia quickly photographed the fleeing chimpanzee,running on all four legs with startling speed. 不过,别以为这就是GMAT的正确答案。GMAT还会有更好的答案同时让你选择: Sylvia quickly photographed the chimpanzee as it fled on all four legs with startling speed。 后一句相比于前一句有两个优点:第一,简化了句子;第二,删除了任何可能导致误解出现的成分。所以是最佳答案。 除了以上类型之外,还可能出现以下几种修饰结构错误: (1)分词短语前出现介词 比如:Upon returning to the mountain lake, the ice-cold water chilled Sylvia to the bone. (2) 形容词 比如:Wet and cold, the fire of the camp had never looked so inviting to Sylvia. (3) 形容词短语 比如:A photojournalist with an excellent international reputation, Sylvia's photographs of wildlife always bring in top-dollar commissions. 综上所述,解答此类题的关键在于—— 看被逗号分开的句子到底修饰的是那个名词,如果没有修饰对象或者修饰对象似有似无,大多数情况下是错误的,仔细比对每个答案,看哪个最make sense. |