Judith Martin writes that the answering machine is to the contemporary middle-class househould just as butlers had been to the rich in earlier times: it is the gatekeeper that screens welcome visitors from unwanted intruders on the privacy of family.
A. just as butlers had been B.just like a butler was C.as has been a butler D.what the butler was E.what the bulter is
Judith Martin writes that the answering machine is to the contemporary middle-class househould just as butlers had been to the rich in earlier times: it is the gatekeeper that screens welcome visitors from unwanted intruders on the privacy of family.
that 之后句子的结构:
NP + BE +  P + CONJ + NP2 + BE + PP
第一分句BE之后缺少宾语或标语,故选起到名词作用的成分,范围收缩到DE两个选项,由EARLIER TIMES 的时态确定为D选项。