48.According to some analysts, whatever its merits, the proposal to tax away all capital gains on short-term investments would, if enacted, have a disastrous effect on Wall Street trading and employment. (A) its merits, the proposal to tax (B) its merits may be, the proposal of taxing (C) its merits as a proposal, taxing (D) the proposal’s merits, to tax (E) the proposal’s merits are, taxing 答案是A,我选A全凭感觉,对于B,C,D,E的错误实在说不清楚,请牛人指点思路 B中the proposal of 错,还有别的错吗? 关于whatever的用法,我查了一下,如 Whatever we said, he'd disagree. Whatever your argument, I shall hold to my decision. B选项的Whatever its merits may be,错吗?? C,D,E选项有哪些错误,请指教