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发表于 2009-12-14 12:22:10 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
1. One prevasive theory explains...,which led to a decline in...; by persuading people to eat what had previously been horse feed,market equailibrium was restored.

A by persuading people to eat what had previously been horse feed, market equilibrium was restored.

B persuading people to eat what had previously been horse feed restored market equilibrium.

C by persuading people to eat what had previously bee horse feed restored market equilibrium.

D the persuation of people to eat what had previously been horse feed restored market equilibrium.

E market equilibrium was restored when people were pursuaded to eat former horse feed.


2.One view of the economy contendsn that a large drop in oil prices should eventually lead to lowering interest rates,as well as lowering fears about inflation,a rally in stocks and bonds,and a weakening of the dollars.

A lowering interest rates, as well as lowering fears about inflation,

B a lowering of interest rates and of fears about inflation,

C a lowering of interst rates along with fears about inflation,

D interest rates being lowered,along with fears about inflation

E interest rates and fears about inflation being lowered,with


3. Originally pulished in 1959,XX was XY's first novel, but it does not read like an apprentic work.

A 原句

B seems not to read as apprentice work

C does not seem to read as an apprentice work would

D does not read like an apprentice work does

E read unlike an apprentice work

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 楼主| 发表于 2009-12-15 13:15:19 | 只看该作者
发表于 2009-12-15 13:25:56 | 只看该作者
第一题,不清楚,我觉得和省略的内容有关。 第二题是比较简单的平行结构,a lowering 最明显的平行是 a weakening ,这个是最基本的考点,一定要练得立马能看出来。    第三题,read作系动词用,like后面跟名词。
发表于 2009-12-15 14:15:14 | 只看该作者
A by persuading people to eat what had previously been horse feed, market equilibrium was restored.
-- persuade的逻辑主语不可以是market equilibrium

B persuading people to eat what had previously been horse feed restored market equilibrium.

C by persuading people to eat what had previously bee horse feed restored market equilibrium.

D the persuation of people to eat what had previously been horse feed restored market equilibrium.
--“the persuasion of sb to do sth” is wordy and awkward

E market equilibrium was restored when people were pursuaded to eat former horse feed.
--“former” is not correct. “people were pursuaded to eat former horse feed“also has logic error. 而且在选项中优先选择主动句


2.One view of the economy contendsn that a large drop in oil prices should eventually lead to lowering interest rates,as well as lowering fears about inflation,a rally in stocks and bonds,and a weakening of the dollars.

A lowering interest rates, as well as lowering fears about inflation,
--parallelism problem

B a lowering of interest rates and of fears about inflation,
--2 parallel structures are used in this sentence, which make the sentence more precise
a lowering of A and of B
lead to A,B and C

C a lowering of interst rates along with fears about inflation,
-- parallelism problem

D interest rates being lowered,along with fears about inflation
--parallelism problem, “being done” is wordy and awkward

E interest rates and fears about inflation being lowered,with
--grammatical and logical error


3. Originally pulished in 1959,XX was XY's first novel, but it does not read like an apprentic work.

A 原句
--idiom, read like
B seems not to read as apprentice work
-- “read like” is idiom

C does not seem to read as an apprentice work would
-“read like” is idiom

D does not read like an apprentice work does
-“like” cannot work as a conjunction

E read unlike an apprentice work
--wrong tense, read unlike also wrong

 楼主| 发表于 2009-12-16 01:23:42 | 只看该作者
谢谢这么详细的解答!第一题,关于逻辑主语,我还是比较迷惑的,一般要怎么去看呢? 还有就是在这一题里," what had previously been horse feed restored market equilibrium" 这句话到底是什么意思呢~我读着觉得听别扭的~还请同学指教!
发表于 2009-12-16 14:58:17 | 只看该作者
谢谢这么详细的解答!第一题,关于逻辑主语,我还是比较迷惑的,一般要怎么去看呢? 还有就是在这一题里," what had previously been horse feed restored market equilibrium" 这句话到底是什么意思呢~我读着觉得听别扭的~还请同学指教!
-- by 会员 deng2y (2009/12/16 1:23:42)

by persuading people to eat what had previously been horse feed, market equilibrium was restored
by persuading people to eat what had previously been horse feed是介词结构作主句的方式壮语,by 后面的persuading是动名词,此时就要考虑persuade的逻辑主语,显然不是market,所以就跟主句中的主语market出现不一致.  而英语语法要求这两者必须一致.

persuading people to eat what had previously been horse feed restored market equilibrium
整个题干的意思大致是说一个主流观点认为,由于越来越多的人买车导致马匹数量急剧减少,因而那些喂马的农作物就过剩了, 这样, 通过说服人们去吃那些先前是马粮的农作物可以重新使市场达到均衡

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