之前做《GMAT语法全解》的时候,上面第235页有讲到,known to be 永远错。。。
但是最近做GWD, 有条语法题, GWD-29-Q7
Until a few centuries ago, any large bones discovered in the fields or caves of Europe, now known to be large prehistoric animals, were usually assumed to be the remains of giants and were often displayed as curiosities in castles, palaces, town halls, churches, and monasteries. A. now known to be large prehistoric animals, were usually assumed to be
B. presently known as from large prehistoric animals, were usually assumed as
C. bones now known to be those of large prehistoric animals, were usually assumed to be
D. bones known at present as of large prehistoric animals, were usually assumed as those of
E. currently known as those of large prehistoric animals, were usually assumed to be those of
答案是选C的。。。 然后我就困惑了。。。KNOWN 到底怎么用啦。。到底可不可以用KNOWN TO BE啦。。。!!恳请大家指教~~!!
[此贴子已经被作者于2009/10/27 17:08:19编辑过] |