950. A private house in New York City is a building owned by an individual or individuals having less than eight units and no commercial space. (A) a building owned by an individual or individuals having less than eight units and no commercial space (B) one that an individual or individuals own with fewer than eight units and no commercial space (C) a building with fewer than eight units, no commercial space, and is owned by an individual or individuals (D) one that has fewer than eight units, no commercial space and it is owned by an individual or individuals (E) one that has fewer than eight units, is owned by an individual or individuals, and has no commercial space 答案:E。E选项我还是可以理解的。请问下这道题B有什么样的错误呢?with作为介词短语可以跳跃修饰他one的啊。而且B还是个主动形式own,E还是个被动形式的owned,为啥答案是E不是B呢?请多多指教!! |