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发表于 2009-10-16 17:35:00 | 只看该作者


18: GWD-29-Q39

Scientists have recently discovered that the ultrathin, layered construction of a butterfly’s wings, the same as the one making some butterflies shimmer via the phenomenon of iridescence, are enabling the insect to control how much heat energy is absorbed by its wings and how much is reflected away.

  1. wings, the same as the one making some butterflies shimmer via the phenomenon of iridescence, are enabling
  2. wings, which is the same one that makes some butterflies shimmer via the phenomenon of iridescence, that also enables
  3. wings is the same as the one that makes some butterflies shimmer via the phenomenon of iridescence, enabling
  4. wings—the same construction that makes some butterflies shimmer via the phenomenon of iridescence—also enables
  5. wings—of the same construction that makes some butterflies shimmer via the phenomenon of iridescence—also enable

The key is D 请问C怎么错了

发表于 2009-10-16 17:59:00 | 只看该作者
很少来语法区, 每次来第一个看见的就是你!!!

Scientists have recently discovered that the ultrathin, layered construction of a butterfly’s
wings is the same as the one that makes some butterflies shimmer via the phenomenon of iridescence, enabling
the insect to control how much heat energy is absorbed by its wings and how much is reflected away.

整体看 ultrathin 没有谓语啊! 中间黑体是插入语, 后面直接就是进行时, 不对的!
enabling 不可能是表结果吧!
表伴随呢!! 意思也不对啊!!
layered construction 和某个结构相同, 伴随着的是, 使昆虫能控制.....意思不合理.

Scientists have recently discovered that the ultrathin, layered construction of a butterfly’s wings—the same construction that makes some butterflies shimmer via the phenomenon of iridescence—also enables the insect to control how much heat energy is absorbed by its wings and how much is reflected away.

 楼主| 发表于 2009-10-16 19:05:00 | 只看该作者

呵呵 我水平臭 谢谢MM 非常感谢

Scientists have recently discovered that the ultrathin, layered construction of a butterfly’s wings—the same construction that makes some butterflies shimmer via the phenomenon of iridescence—also enables the insect to control how much heat energy is absorbed by its wings and how much is reflected away. 记住这个结构

[此贴子已经被作者于2009/10/16 19:11:49编辑过]
发表于 2011-8-16 09:12:03 | 只看该作者
scientists discovered that后面句子的主语是construction,两个破折号中间的插入语,后面enables的主语是construction!!而不是ultrathin!!!

发表于 2014-9-23 20:06:39 | 只看该作者
发表于 2014-10-9 17:01:29 | 只看该作者
candice1112 发表于 2014-9-23 20:06

A里面的谓语动词are错了   construction是单数 应该用is。   还有时态问题吧   这个属于一般事实 用一般现在就可以了   现在进行时不妥吧
发表于 2016-2-23 08:33:40 | 只看该作者
Scientists have recently discovered that the ultrathin, layered construction of a butterfly’s wings, the same as the one making some butterflies shimmer via the phenomenon of iridescence, are enabling the insect to control how much heat energy is absorbed by its wings and how much is reflected away.

A. wings, the same as the one making some butterflies shimmer via the phenomenon of iridescence, are enabling
B. wings, which is the same one that makes some butterflies shimmer via the phenomenon of iridescence, that also enables
C. wings is the same as the one that makes some butterflies shimmer via the phenomenon of iridescence, enabling
D. wings—the same construction that makes some butterflies shimmer via the phenomenon of iridescence—also enables
E. wings—of the same construction that makes some butterflies shimmer via the phenomenon of iridescence—also enable

1.从句有明显的主语the construction(前面的形容词是修饰他的),双破折号中间的东西可以不用看。这么长一串句子,肯定是有谓语动词的。

2.主语the construction是单数,谓语动词也应该是单数形式,AE排除。

3.B: which就近指代wings错,用单数is更不对; that also前面插入一个从句,让人觉得confused, that 指谁,是谁的从句,是跟that ultrathin并列?那就更不对了。排除B!

4. C: enabling放在一个从句后修饰谁不清楚,意思上应该修饰construction,但语法上就近修饰。修饰词修饰谁就应该尽量靠近谁。如果非要用enabling,那应该是这样:that the ... construction of a butterfly's wings, enabling the insect to ....., is the same as the one.....。但是,主谓之间插入的修饰也太长,使得主谓分离太远,也不好。所以这个选项感觉怎么都有问题!排除!

5.来看D:简化句子结构:S have discovered that the construction ——........—— enables..........完美,结构清晰,是正确选项。

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