For anyone who are new to this gathering, please find the attachment for personal information collection. If you want to keep some information private, please just leave it blank. We won't use it for any commercial purpose, but only to make the group division more efficient, e.g. it will be easy for people with similar target school, same application progress and nearby location to form a study group and benefit from each other. For those who may fail to join us this weekend, 2 options here: 1. fill in the information collection form, esp. what industry you're in, what schools you're targeting, what's your current progress, and where your location is, so that we might help to leave a seat in a suitable group on behalf of you, if you'd like to. 2. join the next gathering (we may discuss the issue of gathering frequency on Sat), and find a suitable group for you next time. Please note that most of the participants are going to apply in the Early Round and 1st Round. For those who may join us later, please check your own schedule before coming. Besides, I think there might be some more gatherings of other new groups in the future as well.