(1) Fossils of a whale that beached on an African shore more than a million years ago and was subsequently butchered by hominids have been recovered by palentologists. a, that beached on an African shore more than a million years ago and was subsequently butchered by hominids have d having been beached on an African shore more than a million years ago and subseqently butched by hominids, have anwser:A, 我无奈之下选了d,因为觉得 was subsequently(a)是错误的亚。。不是fossils么? (2)In January 1994 an oil barge ran aground off the coast of SanJuan, PuertoRico, leaking its cargo of 75,000 gallons into the ocean, while causing the pollution of the city's beaches. a, leaking its cargo of 75,000 gallons into the ocean, while causing the pollution of c, and its cargo of 75,000 gallons leacked into the ocean, polluting anwser: C, 为啥a不对哦?觉得c的its cargo也指代不清楚的亚?是不是偶得想法不对? 谢谢:) |