Please bear in mind the question--- CEIBS' overall quality has been beyond NUS and CUMBA's ?
CEIBS remained the 90th Tie in FT ranking for 2 years. This year it got promoted due to two important factors: 1. So-called salary increase. 2. Branding Campain in Shanghai Region. These do not stand for a rapid growth in overall quality of the school, given limited faculty resources and without being backed by a world-level unviersity.
Of course, another factor might be that without doubt CEIBS student profile is among the top in Asia Pacific. They are excellent guys! The only issue caused, however, is that the programme does not have a diversified student base which is crucial to mindset improving.
[此贴子已经被作者于2004-2-20 14:24:18编辑过] |