The spraying of pesticides can be carefully planned, but accidents, weather conditions that could not be foreseen, and pilot errors often cause much larger deposits of spray than they had anticipated.
The spraying of pesticides can be carefully planned, but accidents, weather conditions that could not be foreseen, and pilot errors often cause much larger deposits of spray than they had anticipated.
A. weather conditions that could not be foreseen, and pilot errors often cause much larger deposits of spray than they had B. weather conditions that cannot be foreseen, and pilot errors often cause much larger deposits of spray thanC. unforeseeable weather conditions, and pilot errors are the cause of much larger deposits of spray than they had D. weather conditions that are not foreseeable, and pilot errors often cause much larger deposits of spray than E. unforeseeable weather conditions, and pilot errors often cause much larger deposits of spray than they had
答案是B 但是我理解的如果是B选项的话 But 后面接了三个名词,accidents, weather conditions, pilot errors。动词是cause其中weather conditions有定语从句,但是为何形容词不优于从句?我尝试理解结尾的than (they had) 省略,是因为它是过去完成时,且赘余吗?不过我想知道anticipate的主语是谁? 谢谢。
结尾they had是错的,因为they没有指代。they是anticipate的主语没错,但是它指代什么不清楚,可能是专家可能是农民,最重要的是,无论他指代的是什么,被指代的名词必须出现在句子中,they不能指代句子之外的东西。结尾确实省略的些东西,但不是they had, 而是the deposits of spray ,还原应该是...than ( the deposits of spray that are) anticipated.
以上已经足以判断正确的选项了,但是关于形容词优于从句,我还有一点心得分享,是前几天查找修饰语的资料的时候碰巧看到的,但是不建议作为破题的依据。 形容词是优于从句的,但是这个“优于”限于很严格的一种从句,就是D的那种:C和D对比,C的形容词优于D的从句。但是C并不一定优于B,B表达的东西有点不一样, weather conditions that cannot be foreseen. 表达的是“没能预见到的那些天气状况”,比如有时候是台风有时候是冰雹,有时候是千年不遇的寒冷,它发生的时候无法被预见到,但是这种不可预见不是那些天气本身的属性,比如寒冷并非都是不可预见的,只是总有那么几次没有被预见到而已。 unforeseeable weather conditions.表达的是不可预见的天气状况,把天气状况限定在了“那些不可预见的”,假设所有雷暴都是不可预见的(假设而已,我也不知道的哈),那么unforeseeable weather conditions就包括雷暴,但是台风有时是可以预见的,这个unforeseeable weather conditions就不包括了。 这个差别可能不一定是从句造成的,有时是因为修饰语的位置造成的。 另外一个例子: star visible 可见的星星,比如今晚你抬头可以看到的那些就是。 visible star 可见星,比如北极星,或许今晚你抬头看不见北极星,或者你在南半球,但北极星依然是可见星,这是它的客观属性。