88. The Emperor Augustus, it appears, commissioned an idealized sculpture portrait, the features of which are so unrealistic as to constitute what one scholar calls an "artificial face." (A) so unrealistic as to constitute (B) so unrealistic they constituted (C) so unrealistic that they have constituted (D) unrealistic enough so that they constitute (E) unrealistic enough so as to constitute
尽管题目里面,so as to 好像都是错误的,但解释里面却用了,比如:
196. It is possible that Native Americans originally have migrated to the Western Hemisphere over a bridge of land that once existed between Siberia and Alaska. (A) have migrated to the Western Hemisphere over a bridge of land that once existed (B) were migrating to the Western Hemisphere over a bridge of land that existed once (C) migrated over a bridge of land to the Western Hemisphere that once existed (D) migrated to the Western Hemisphere over a bridge of land that once existed (E) were migrating to the Western Hemisphere over a bridge of land existing once Choice D, the best answer, correctly uses the past-tense verb forms migrated and existed to refer to actions completed in' the past. Choices A, B, and E present incorrect verb forms for expressing simple past action, and existing once in E is imprecise. Although choice C manages the correct tense, it misplaces the sentence elements so as to suggest that the Western Hemisphere once existed between Siberia and Alaska.
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-4-19 15:06:15编辑过] |