我知道,分词作状语表示伴随着前面动作发生的另一个动作,分词作定语修饰它前面的那个名词~~ 那么除了从逻辑意义上判断分词是作定语还是作状语,没有别的办法了吗?比如分词做定语还是状语有没有形式上的区别? 我通过看OG上面的用法感觉,分词做状语的时候要么放在句首,要么分词前面有逗号 而分词做定语的时候一般紧跟着它修饰的名词或者代词,没有逗号 这样形式上面的区别也可以避免歧义~~ OG101 El Nino, the periodic abnormal warming of the sea surface off Peru, a phenomenon in which changes in the ocean and atmosphere combine allowing the warm water that has accumulated in the western Pacific to flow back to the east. (A) a phenomenon in which changes in the ocean and atmosphere combine allowing the warm water that has accumulated (B) a phenomenon where changes in the ocean and atmosphere are combining to allow the warm water that is accumulating (C) a phenomenon in which ocean and atmosphere changes combine and which allows the warm water that is accumulated (D) is a phenomenon in which changes in the ocean and atmosphere combine to allow the warm water that has accumulated (E) is a phenomenon where ocean and atmosphere changes are combining and allow the warm water accumulating This accumulation of phrases and clauses results in a sentence fragment; there is no main verb. This problem is easily solved by inserting the verb to be: BI Nino ... is a phenomenon ... The clause defining phenomenon (in which changes in the ocean and atmosphere combine) is clear and correct, but the subsequent phrase, allowing ... is not. If the participial phrase were to modify the previous clause, a comma would have to be inserted between combine and allowing. A better choice would be to follow combine with to allow, showing purpose. In this sense, the environmental changes combine in order to allow the water to flow back east. 上面提亮的话分明说了分词作伴随状语时候要加逗号的~~ 但是BY43页上面一道题(正确答案带入了原句): scientists believe that unlike the males of most species of moth, the male whistling moths of Nambung, Australia, call female moths to them using acoustical signals, rather than olfactory ones, and attract their mates during the day, rather than at night. 分词看上去像是修饰them,但是从语义来看应该是做状语的~~对不对? 我想问一下,到底可不可以认为,分词作状语和作定语是有形式上的区别的?BY上面那道题是有歧义的?
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-4-11 11:46:38编辑过] |