Consumers may not think of household cleaning products to be hazardous substances, but many of them can be harmful to health, especially if they are used improperly. (D) A consumer may not think of household cleaning products as (E) Household cleaning products may not be thought of, by consumers, as 该题目的主要考点是:think of x as y,这点无争议;问题是,正确答案选了D,对于E的解释是:Passive-voice construction is awkward and wordy. 但在这道题里,后面两个分句的代词them,they都在指代household cleaning products,第一个分句用household cleaning products作主语怎么会awkward呢?个人觉得E反而比D更流畅,难道被动语态就必然错?……烦请高手指点迷津,多谢啦!!
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-9-20 16:14:55编辑过] |