搜过帖 没人问过 10. (25025-!-item-!-188;#058&001699) Ancient hunter-gatherers developed instincts that stigmatized selfishness, and voluntary cooperation was encouraged as well, whether it be within the group or also with outsiders.
(A) selfishness, and voluntary cooperation was encouraged as well, whether it be within the group or (B) selfishness, encouraging voluntary cooperation as well, both within the group but (C) selfishness and also encouraging voluntary cooperation, within the group and (D) selfishness and they encouraged voluntary cooperation, whether it be within the group or (E) selfishness and encouraged voluntary cooperation, not only within the group but 想请问一下C选项 PREP笔记里只说了 also encouraging和stigmatized不平行 可是OG里那题 Scientists have recently discovered what could be the largest and oldest living organism on Earth, a giant fungus that is an interwoven filigree of mushrooms and rootlike tentacles spawned by a single fertilized spore some 10,000 years ago and extending for more than 30 acres in the soil of a Michigan forest. (A) extending (B) extends (C) extended (D) it extended(A) (E) is extending 也是Ved和Ving平行啊 我知道应该是要看逻辑意思吧 但是prep这题我认为用providing也没错啊 Ancient hunter-gatherers developed… and also encouraging voluntary cooperation 其实我一值搞不是很懂Ved和Ving的差别 有没有人可以给我讲讲 先谢了 另外,C选项的within the group是不是会有修饰上的歧义? 可以修饰前面的cooperation 也可以当状语修饰主语
麻烦大家指点一下 谢谢
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