早上我也收到UCLA的信,除了说我的application status is complete,同样是官方成绩没有寄到。原话是这样的 "Although we have your TOEFL scores, please note that the scores are considered unofficial, as we have not yet received them directly from ETS. We cannot extend any offers of admission without official test scores. Please contact ETS and request that your TOEFL be forwarded to the Anderson School.... If you have taken the test within the last 21 days or have yet to take the test, please allow 21 days for scores to be forwarded to us" 网上好象还有个mm遇到同样情况, so now I have other understanding of the email and do not know if it is reasonable? 这是否只是一种正常的提示或备注之类的东东,每封信上都附带的。要不然为什么application status show "complete" ,it should be "incomplete"。而且TOEFL项显示 “received". 而且怎么这么巧,这么多人的托福成绩没有寄到?
I met the same situation for Columbia, I fax the request to ETS in mid Dec, yet CBS does not got my tofle till now. I called and was told to firstly fax the score report that I have. What do you think, shall I ask the ETS to send the score again now, or send it after I got the interview invitation, which means if I was denied an interview, I could save the score sending fee(a bit 鸡贼 though) 各位仁兄看呢?