周五去牛津参加的面试,面试官是Anna Farras,admission manager,大概三四十岁,比较和善的大姐吧,不知道是哪国的,反正不是英国。 基本上问的问题都有准备到,在此感谢CD的前辈们。废话不多说了,开始吧。 首先问的是 You are currently working at XXX company, tell me more about your job. 这算是个可以即兴发挥的题目,拿它做开头可以让面试者不那么紧张,毕竟是讲讲自己的经历么。 然后就步入到了essay disscussion 因为我第二篇essay写的是《孙子兵法》,中间有提到关于leadership的问题(将者,智信仁勇严),她挺感兴趣的,就顺便展开谈了。个人感觉这个还是必问的问题,只是对每个人的切入点不同而已。 How do you define leadership? Do you think you are a good leader? Sometimes, people are in leadership positions, but that does not necessarily mean they are good leaders. How can you prove you are a good one? ... 大概就是这么问的,可能有点出入,意思在那里了。 紧接着就到了下个环节,teamwork。 Our MBA students can be from many diversified backgrounds, and some of them are leaders in their job. So in a group with them, what kind of position or role you want to play as, or are you happy to be a team member or you have to be a leader all the time? 然后是谈点实际的问题,why MBA? 接下来是谈why oxford? 之后是问到 what's the weakest area in your application? 本人谈的是工作经验不足的缺憾。 然后 anything to add? 最后就是问问题了。我问了她对牛津said的个人感觉,还有就是接下来等结果的步骤等等。 出来看了下时间,接近40分钟。应该算是比较长的一个面试了,和CD前辈是时间相比较而言。 希望能有个好结果吧。也希望此文能给将要面试的朋友们一个小小的帮助。 All the best to all. |