114.C (30583-!-item-!-188;#058&004275)
A study on couples' retirement transitions found that women who took new jobs after retiring from their primary careers reported high marital satisfaction, more than when retiring completely. C (A) more than when retiring
(B) more than if they were to retire
(C) more so than those who retired
(D) which was more so than those retiring
(E) which was more than if they had retired
请问这道题 的more so than 是什么意思啊, 有这样的表达方法吗,偶只知道一个 as great as, if not more so
110.D (30399-!-item-!-188;#058&004205)
The federal immigration station on Ellis Island, which was first opened in 1892, then rebuilt in 1900, processing nearly three quarters of all immigrants entering the United States in the first quarter of the twentieth century. D (A) The federal immigration station on Ellis Island, which was first opened in 1892, then rebuilt in 1900, processing nearly three quarters of all immigrants entering the United States in the first quarter of the twentieth century. (B) Having processed nearly three quarters of all immigrants who enter the United States in the first quarter of the twentieth century, the federal immigration station on Ellis Island first opened in 1892 and then was rebuilt in 1900.
(C) Processing nearly three quarters of all immigrants to enter the United States in the first quarter of the twentieth century, the federal immigration station on Ellis Island first opened in 1892, being rebuilt in 1900.
(D) First opened in 1892, then rebuilt in 1900, the federal immigration station on Ellis Island processed nearly three quarters of all immigrants entering the United States in the first quarter of the twentieth century.
(E) Of all immigrants to enter the United States in the first quarter of the twentieth century, the federal immigration station on Ellis Island processed nearly three quarters of them, having first opened in 1892 and rebuilt in 1900. 这道题 偶觉得D选项的then 前面是不是应该加一个and啊, 谢谢了
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-8-30 13:25:19编辑过] |