1.The spraying of pesticides can be carefully planned, but accidents, weather conditions that could not be foreseen, and pilot errors often cause much larger deposits of spray than anticipated. (A-P1-33) 关于could,在白勇语法上看到在陈述句中只有时态的区别,这里为什么能用呢? 2.Nowhere in Prakta is the influence of modern European architecture more apparent than in its government buildings. (B-p80-18) 这句话到底什么意思还没太弄明白。 3.The man was always aware, sometimes proudly and sometimes resentfully, that he was a small-town Midwesterner thrust into a world dominated by wealthier, better-educated, and more polished people than he. (E-P75-11) 这个thrust是-ed分词形式嘛? 4.Once positioned in space, the Hubble Space Telescope will capture light from source twenty times fainter than those that can be detected by ground-based instruments. (A-P1-57) 想问一下light 是复数嘛?为什么用those? 4.. Since the movie was released ,seventeen UFOs have been sighted in the state , more than had been sighted in the past ten years. (A-P1-168) (注意时态,按时间先后顺序) 特别注意: 一般情况下 in the past ten years用在现在完成时态中,这里根据逻辑意思,用了过去完成时态。. |