原句的意思是earthquake发生在last year ,而且从逻辑上看也是hi先建了之后再被毁。而E选项通过分析,其实Last year修饰的是主句had been constructed,改变了原意。
其实从语法上看,B E都是正确的,但是也要从句子意思上理解,因此选B了。
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Sentence Correction is more and more about meaning rather than grammar
Answer choices B and E are both grammatically correct, but only one maintains the original meaning of the question stem. According to the original sentence, the earthquake occurred last year. Do both answer choices B and E maintain that meaning? Nope. Only B does. E says that the buildings had been constructed last year. How do we know that? <Last year> some <of the buildings> <that were destroyed or heavily damaged> <in the earthquake> had been constructed Last year has to modify some kind of an action or event. The subject some isn’t an event or action, so last year can’t modify that. The next core part of the sentence is had been constructed, which is an action, so last year modifies that action. Note that, in the original sentence, the modifier last year appears as part of the prepositional phrase in the earthquake last year “ that is, in the original sentence, last year is part of the nested modifiers for the subject, while in answer E, last year has been sort of pulled up to the level of the core sentence. And, voila, the meaning has been changed. https://www.manhattanprep.com/gmat/blog/2011/09/19/idioms-myths-and-more-news-from-the-gmac/ 所以理解句意真的很重要