这道题目,我的问题前人没有问过,所以又开了一个新帖,还请见谅。 A survey by the National Council of Churches showed that in 1986 there were 20,736 female ministers, almost 9 percent of the nation's clergy, twice as much as 1977. a) twice as much as 1977 b) twice as many as 1977 c) double what it was in 1977 d) doulbe the figure for 1977 e) a number double that of 1977's og解释说twice as many as in 1977(强调人ministers?) 和 doulbe the figure for 1977(强调数字20,736)都对。 我不明白的是上面两个正确的答案,它们各自强调的重点是什么? in 1986 there were 20,736 female ministers, twice as many as in 1977. --如果要把 ...as many as... 前后都补齐成完整的句子,又该如何补? in 1986 there were 20,736 female ministers, doulbe the figure for 1977. ---如果要把 ...double the figure 前面补齐,是不是按照og上的解释补出 "20,736 doulbe the figure for 1977" ?
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-8-21 10:44:29编辑过] |