OG10th = OG11th + Verbal Review...
OG10th Ed in RED, OG11th Ed in BLUE, Verbal Review (the supplementary) in Orange
3 C's (Correctness, Concision, Clarity): 10, 20, 53, 69, 103, 103, 104, 110, 128, 134, 136, 139, 171, 180, 204, 208, 221, 223, 237, 239, 240, 242, 258, 266
Subject-Verb Agreement: 2,8,14,18,28,28,47,52,77,85,89,140,144,167,174,178,192,198,205,211,213,219,228,238,243,252,255,257
OG 10 CR |
Reviwer&OG11th |
OG 10 CR |
Reviwer&OG11th |
OG 10 CR |
Reviwer&OG11th |
1 |
R-1 |
66 |
OG11-26 |
136 |
R-71 |
2 |
OG11-102 |
67 |
OG11-67 |
137 |
R-47 |
3 |
OG11-103 |
68 |
OG11-27 |
138 |
OG11-76 |
4 |
OG11-58 |
69 |
R-64 |
139 |
OG11-77 |
5 |
R-29 |
70 |
R-11 |
140 |
6 |
R-30 |
71 |
141 |
R-48 |
7 |
72 |
R-12 |
142 |
R-20 |
8 |
OG11-59 |
73 |
OG11-110 |
143 |
R-49 |
9 |
OG11-17 |
74 |
OG11-28 |
144 |
10 |
R-57 |
75 |
R-38 |
145 |
11 |
OG11-60 |
76 |
R-13 |
146 |
OG11-118 |
12 |
OG11-61 |
77 |
R-39 |
147 |
R-50 |
13 |
78 |
148 |
R-72 |
14 |
OG11-18 |
79 |
OG11-68 |
149 |
R-73 |
15 |
OG11-104 |
80 |
150 |
R-74 |
16 |
81 |
151 |
R-75 |
17 |
R-31 |
82 |
OG11-69 |
152 |
18 |
R-32 |
83 |
OG11-111 |
153 |
19 |
OG11-63 |
84 |
154 |
R-21 |
20 |
R-2 |
85 |
R-65 |
155 |
21 |
86 |
R-66 |
156 |
OG11-37 |
22 |
OG11-19 |
87 |
OG11-112 |
157 |
OG11-38 |
23 |
R-3 |
88 |
OG11-29 |
158 |
OG11-78 |
24 |
R-58 |
89 |
OG11-30 |
159 |
R-22 |
25 |
R-59 |
90 |
R-14 |
160 |
R-23 |
26 |
OG11-105 |
91 |
OG11-31 |
161 |
OG11-119 |
27 |
OG11-64 |
92 |
162 |
R-51 |
28 |
93 |
R-40 |
163 |
OG11-79 |
29 |
OG11-20 |
94 |
OG11-70 |
164 |
R-52 |
30 |
R-4 |
95 |
OG11-71 |
165 |
R-76 |
31 |
96 |
OG11-113 |
166 |
OG11-39 |
32 |
97 |
R-41 |
167 |
OG11-80 |
33 |
R-32 |
98 |
R-42 |
168 |
34 |
99 |
R-43 |
169 |
35 |
100 |
R-67 |
170 |
OG11-120 |
36 |
R-34 |
101 |
OG11-72 |
171 |
OG11-81 |
37 |
R-35 |
102 |
172 |
R-53 |
38 |
R-5 |
103 |
OG11-32 |
173 |
39 |
R-60 |
104 |
174 |
40 |
OG11-22 |
105 |
R-15 |
175 |
R-77 |
41 |
R-6 |
106 |
176 |
OG11-121 |
42 |
OG11-106 |
107 |
177 |
OG11-82 |
43 |
OG11-23 |
108 |
178 |
44 |
109 |
179 |
R-54 |
45 |
R-61 |
110 |
OG11-33 |
180 |
R-24 |
46 |
OG11-107 |
111 |
R-68 |
181 |
R-78 |
47 |
112 |
R-16 |
182 |
OG11-122 |
48 |
R-7 |
113 |
R-17 |
183 |
OG11-83 |
49 |
R-62 |
114 |
184 |
OG11-123 |
50 |
115 |
185 |
R-25 |
51 |
OG11-24 |
116 |
R-44 |
186 |
OG11-40 |
52 |
OG11-65 |
117 |
OG11-34 |
187 |
R-26 |
53 |
R-36 |
118 |
188 |
OG11-84 |
54 |
R-8 |
119 |
OG11-114 |
189 |
R-55 |
55 |
OG11-25 |
120 |
OG11-115 |
190 |
OG11-41 |
56 |
OG11-108 |
121 |
R-69 |
191 |
R-79 |
57 |
R-9 |
122 |
R-70 |
192 |
OG11-42 |
58 |
OG11-66 |
123 |
193 |
R-27 |
59 |
R-37 |
124 |
OG11-73 |
194 |
60 |
125 |
R-18 |
195 |
61 |
126 |
OG11-36 |
196 |
OG11-85 |
62 |
R-10 |
127 |
OG11-74 |
197 |
63 |
R-63 |
128 |
R-19 |
198 |
64 |
129 |
199 |
R-80 |
65 |
OG11-109 |
130 |
R-45 |
200 |
OG11-124 |
131 |
R-46 |
201 |
R-28 |
132 |
202 |
R-56 |
133 |
203 |
OG11-86 |
134 |
OG11-117 |
204 |
R-81 |
135 |
OG11-75 |
205 |
R-82 |
我之前有整理了RC部分,共27篇, 只有11篇新题。其它都与10th重复, 题号对照如下。RC部分解释都是重新编写过的, 可以交错比较10th解释, 题目解释每题都有批注是6~7种题型的哪一种。行数编排上, 改为每行8字左右和机考相同(旧题也是重编), 写起来和GWD感觉还挺像的!
我目前的感觉是OG11th的解释清楚易懂, 版面设计上有利阅读, 题型分类清楚,改善阅读OG10th解释时的问题(选项前后顺序不定, 间隔不清..)
不过由11th看来, 明年度GMAT题型大幅度更改的机率不大, 11th题目考点是延续性的, 和10th差异不大, 值得作的部分是部份新题考点可以交叉比对旧题, 可增加对GMAT各式考点的整握。
OG11th |
OG10th |
1 |
27 |
2 |
37 |
3 |
2 |
4 |
38 |
5 |
16 |
6 |
24 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
44 |
11 |
12 |
10 |
13 |
17 |
14 |
9 |
15 |
16 |
17 |
7 |
18 |
4 |
19 |
32 |
20 |
21 |
12 |
22 |
6 |
23 |
24 |
47 |
DTV-1 |
DTV-2 |
DTV-3 |
OG 11th-SC2
和大家分享一下OG 11TH(SC部分)看后的一些感想,并与10TH 的不同之处
2. A 1972 agreement between Canada and the United States reduced the amount of phosphates that municipalities had been allowed to dump into the Great Lakes.
(A) reduced the amount of phosphates that municipalities had been allowed to dump
(B) reduced the phosphate amount that municipalities had been dumping
(C) reduces the phosphate amount municipalities have been allowed to dump
(D) reduced the amount of phosphates that municipalities are allowed to dump(A)
(E) reduces the amount of phosphates allowed for dumping by municipalities
Verb form + Idiom
An agreement that occurred in 1972 is correctly described with the past tens verb reduced.Since the dumping continues into the present, the past perfect verb had been allowed should instead be the present are allowed.
A Had been allowed should be are allowed.
B The phosphbates amount should be the amount of phosphates;the meaning of the sentence is changed by the omission of any form of allow.
C The present tense reduces should be the past tense reduced;the phosphate amount should be the amount of phosphates;have been allowed should be are allowed
D Correct.The past tense reduced is correctly used in this sentence to describe a past action,and the present tense are allowed is used to describle the present situation.
E The present tense reduces should be the past tense redueced;allowed for dumping is an incorrect idiom;allowed for dumping by municipalities is awkward
The correct answer is D.
OG 10th-SC164
164. The commission proposed that funding for the park’s development, which could be open to the public early next year, is obtained through a local bond issue.
(A) that funding for the park’s development, which could be open to the public early next year, is
(B) that funding for development of the park, which could be open to the public early next year, be
(C) funding for the development of the park, perhaps open to the public early next year, to be
(D) funds for the park’s development, perhaps open to the public early next year, be(B)
(E) development funding for the park, which could be open to the public early next year, is to be
最后说一下,在OG 11TH上,ETS把SC的考点分为以下几类:
3.Grammatical Construction
5.Logical Predication
7.Rhetorical Construction
8.Verb Form OG11TH
OG 11th-SC
11th 太好了,解释清晰明了, 选个短点的抄下来
A survey by the national Council of Churches showed that in 1986 there were 20,736 female ministers, almost 9 percent of the nation's clergy, twice as much as 1977. A twice as much as 1977 B twice as many as 1977 C double what it was in 1977 D double the figure for 1977 E a number double that of 1977's Diction some quantities, such as people, can be counted; other quantities, such as respect, cannot. It can be said that a person earned much respect, or that many people attended an event. Here, much is incorrectly applied to ministers. As 1977 in correctly completes the comparison; it would have to be as many as in 1977, which is not one of the possible answers. Another way to make the comparison emphasizes the number, 20,739; a number can be doubled. Double the figure for 1977 places the focus on the number and correctly completes the comparison. A. Much incorrectly refers to ministers, as should be as in B As 1977 does not correctly complete this comparison; it should be as in 1977 C What is was is awkward, wordy, and unclear D correct. Double the figure places the emphasis of the sentence on the number of ministers; for 1977 correctly completes the comparison.. E Wordy and awkward construction. The correct answer is D.
OG 11th-SC9
大全677的答案居然和OG 11th第9题不一样
OG 11th SC部分第9题给的答案竟然不是C,大家猜猜答案是哪个?A 看来大全的答案还不是完全正确的.同样在CR大全上面,也发现与OG 11th不一样答案的题.呵呵,ETS...
677. Sunspots, vortices of gas associated with strong electromagnetic activity, are visible as dark spots on the surface of the Sun but have never been sighted on the Sun’s poles or equator.
(A) are visible as dark spots on the surface of the Sun but have never been sighted on
(B) are visible as dark spots that never have been sighted on the surface of the Sun
(C) appear on the surface of the Sun as dark spots although never sighted at
(D) appear as dark spots on the surface of the Sun, although never having been sighted at(C)
(E) appear as dark spots on the Sun’s surface, which have never been sighted on
OG 11th-SC
大全885 Section 14 No.12 在OG 11th上的說明!
Nuclear fusion is the force that powers the Sun, the stars, and hydrogen bombs, merging
the nuclei of atoms and not splitting them apart, as in nuclear reactors.
(A) merging the nuclei of atoms and not splitting them apart, as in nuclear reactors
(B) merging the nuclei of atoms instead of splitting them apart, like nuclear reactors
(C) merging the nuclei of atoms rather than splitting them apart, as nuclear reactors do
(D) and merges the nuclei of atoms but does not split them apart, as is done in unclear reactors
(E) and merges the nuclei
OG 11th-SC
Though the term "graphic design" may suggest laying out corporate brochures and annul reports, they have come to signify widely ranging work, from package designs and company logotypes to signs, book jacketss, computer graphics, and film titles.
B. suggest laying out corporate brochures and annul reports, it has come to signify a wide range of
D.have suggested corporate brochure and annul report layout, it has signified a wide range of
大家选哪个呢? 答案是B
it has come to do 有渐渐开始.....的意思,这应该是本题的主要考点。
OG 11th-SC18
18.Computers are becoming faster, more powerful, and more reliable, and so too are modems, they are the devices to allow two or more computers to share information over regular telephone lines.
A.so too are modems, they are the devices to allow
B.so too are modems, the devices that allow
C.so too modems, the devices allowing
D.also modems, they are the devices that allow
E.also modems, which are the devices to allow
OG 11th-SC46
To Josephine Baker, Paris was her home long before it was fashionable to be an expartiate, and she remained in France during the Second World War as a performer and an interlligence agent for the Resistance.
D)Long Before it was fashionable to be an expatriate, Josephine Baker made Paris her home
OG 11th-SC3
Diabetes, together with its serious complications, ranks as the nation's third leading cause of death, surpassed only by heart disease and cancer.
(a) ranks as the nation's third leading cause of death, surpassed only
(b) rank as the nation's third leading cause of death, only surpassed
(c) has the rank of the nation's third leading cause of death, only surpassed
(d) are the nation's third leading causes of death, surpassed only
(e) have been ranked as the nation's third leading causes of death, only surpassed
ans: A
對於這題我有個修飾位置差異(surpassed only/ only surpassed)的問題想請教一下
"only" is placed with precision next to the group of words it actually limits, by "heart disease and cancer". Placed before "surpassed", "only" would more ambiguously limit "surpassed".
surpassed only by heart disease and cancer
only surpassed by hear disease and cancer
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-1-14 6:09:34编辑过] |