In A.D.391, resulting from the destruction of the largest library of the ancient world at Alexandria , later generations lost all but the lliad and Odyssey among Greek epics, most of the poetry of Pindar and Sappho, and dozens of plays by Aeschylus and Euripides A resulting from the destruction of the largest library of the ancient world at Alexandria B the destroying of the largest library of the ancient world at Alexandria resulted and C because of the result of the destruction of the library at Alexandria, the largest of the ancient world D as a result of the destruction of the library at Alexandria , the largest of the ancient world E Alexandria's largest library of the ancient world was destroyed, and the result was 我选的是A 我觉得白勇对A选项的解释太牵强了 介词短语 at Alexandria可以修饰the largest library 也可以修饰 the ancient world 从而使句子产生歧义 我觉得at Alexandria更多的是就近修饰the ancient world 而不会跳跃修饰the largest library 如果按书上的说法 那么我也可以认为D这个正确选项里的 the largest of the ancient world 既可以就近修饰Alexandria 也可以跳跃修饰 the library 从而使句子意思产生歧义 这么说一样有道理 觉得白勇在这题上有点就答案讲答案的感觉 不知道有没有更合理的思路去排除A?? The nation's three military academies have seen a dramatic rise in applications, one fueled by a resurgence of patriotism , increasing tuition costs at private colleges, and improved recruiting by the academies 答案就是原句 按照书上的解释 resurgence , costs , recruiting 都是动作性名词 所以并列合理 不过白勇不是也说过吗 在一个动词有其名词形式时 应该使用其名词形式 而不是用-ing分词形式 recruit的名词形式也是recruit 那么为什么这里要使用-ing分词形式呢? 我的理解是 在为了满足句子各个部分平行并列这个大前提下 可以忽视那个原则而保持句子各个部分大体上的并列 也就是说句子的平行并列优先于那个原则 不知道这个理解对不对? |