看到987里面第103题(或者补充资料250-#125) 1. American productivity is declining in relation to Europe’s; the energy expended per unit of production in the United States is as much as twice that expended in West Germany. (A) as much as twice that expended in West Germany (B) as much as twice that of West Germany’s expenditure (C) up to two times of West Germany’s expenditure (D) up to two times what West Germans expended(A) (E) up to double the West German expenditure 答案是A,可是,总感觉as much as twice好奇怪,google了一下,出来78,000个结果。请教NN这个结构也是正确的吗?谢谢拉 版主NN,我看了关于这道题目的讨论,里面问了好几次这个问题但都没有人回答,我只好在这里单独发一遍了。不好意思啊! |