(A) Persons, suffering from a deficiency of the blood enzyme G6PD, eat fava beans and discover that they trigger hemolytic anemia. (B) When persons suffering a deficiency of enzyme G6PD, a blood enzyme, eat fava beans, they discover that it triggers hemolytic anemia. (C) If people suffer deficiencies from the blood enzyme G6PD, they discover that fava beans trigger hemolytic anemia when eaten. (D) Hemolytic anemia is triggered by people with a deficiency of the blood enzyme G6PD, who discover it eating fava beans. (E) Persons who suffer from a deficiency of the blood enzyme G6PD discover that eating fava beans triggers hemolytic anemia A和E的意思其实是不一样的E是强调发现一个事实:吃豆能引起hemolytic anemia A中把eat 豆跟 discover并列,其实这2个动词不是并列关系,细细体会,他们是因果关系。 |