Elephants emit lowfrequency sounds, believed to originate from a small area on their foreheads, that they may use 请教下:这个believed是修饰sounds还是elephants啊?不是说,优先修饰主句主语吗?。。。 那在GMAT里怎么分辨这种分词修饰问题!谢谢谢谢
Believed to originate from a small area on their foreheads, elephants emit low-frequency sounds that may be used 那这个believed还是修饰sounds的吗??我觉得是修饰elephants
sounds, the past partiple after comma can describe sounds.
reference OG 56.A empire, fashioned either from the spotted sandstone( OG explanation: fashioned..suggests that the empire (the closest noun)was fashioned out..