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[SC总结] OG值得注意的地方分类版

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发表于 2003-11-20 09:24:00 | 只看该作者



   碰到划线部分包含从句的时候要判断从句的修饰受否正确 1/ 此处用从句来修饰是更为清晰的  15 /
   介词和从句的修饰所引起的句意的不同 51 / 83 / 注意这两个从句的并列修饰 225 / the number of
   women who are in state legislatures--The phrase who are is unnecessary  238  /

   划线的部分已谓语动词开头或结尾的时候要首先判断谓语的时态和单复数 2/  主语从句的谓语和主句
   的谓语之间的对应  30 / 主从时态的对应  41 / 对谓语的时态要求一致,似乎我还看过谓语时态不
   一致的例句,以后补充  46 / 主动优于被动,因为被动语态没有清晰的指明动作的发出者  61 /
   will continue describes an action begun in the past   75  /  85 / 句子未划线部分的时态限
   定了划线部分的时态   88 / the if clause must use the present tense if it is preceded, as
   here, by a result clause that uses a future-tense verb (e.g., will find)  146  / The
   subject, all of the information, must be taken as singular because the mass noun
   information is singular / uses the adverb so to refer back to the verb accord  215  /
   the conditional would reward---an outcome of a hypothetical action   215  / 未划线的部分
   对于时态的提示  230 / uses would rather than will to refer to a promised but uncertain
   future event  250 / 分词形式的使用以及时间顺序的建立  261 /

   an area that is about Colorado's size--that is can be deleted without loss of clarity 3 /
   do not apply to... in the same way as they do to is wordy and awkward----more concisely
   ----in the same way as to  12 / 38 / 为了最清晰的比较,需要使用两个句子来表达  81 /
   amounts to a sum  /  already are a cost to business is wordy and awkward compared to cost
   business.   119 / once in every nine years  134  / can potentially is redundant  159 /
   population changes is less precise than changes in population  239 / Tolstoi's rebellion...
   was against is less direct than Tolstoi rebelled against  267 /

   代词的省略  1/  an area的省略  2/ 需要代词的使用,使表达清晰  183 /

   4 / 34 /

   The only way to salvage ... is to process 4/ 6 似乎当谓语是be动词的时候,前面的主语和后面
   的宾语需要平行---即说什么是什么的时候,要求平行表达  / 当一个句子是在说一个事物的两个方面
   或者是两个事物的比较的时候要注意其中的比较隐蔽的平行表达。8 / decision --- to sign  24 /
   主语从句中的表达和宾语的平行  30  / 两个介词短语的对比  40 / consider x and y   73 /  One
   legacy ... is with a noun that matches the noun legacy  84 / 非平行  104 / 非常隐蔽的平行
   要求的解释 D 131 /  不是to 后面的平行 155  / 一个主语发出两个动作,要注意其中时态的使用,即
   如果主语不是动作的发出者需要使用被动语态,不要忽略  186 /  188  /  Two elements connected
   by a coordinate conjunction should be expressed in parallel form--as well as  197 /  对并  
   列部分的正确判断  210 / Choices B and C omit the conjunction that--an omission that is
   grammatically acceptable, but in the case of this sentence diminishes clarity 似乎也并不要
   求决定的平行对应  243  /  

   before warmer weather returns and rots the fruit----the cause-and-effect relationship
   before they rot when warmer weather returns----merely describe these events as      
   contemporaneous  4/ 5 / 现在进行时态的使用  13 /  which  49 /  141 /  143 b c  /
   B substitutes an illogical coordinate predicate for the needed purpose clause; because the
   annulment had not yet been granted. Henry could not remarry.  此题选出答案很简单,但是注意
   选项b的排除原因  171 /  as well as--and 对句意的改变  197 / Because the focus of interest
   is the sales of new small boats, that should be the subject of the sentence.  203 /

    attempt to try /  soaring rates have risen /  grew by more than a thirty-five percent
    increase  / at least as much as a million and more others--more than x necessarily
    includes the sense of at least as many as x. it is redundant and confusing  59  /
    annual ... a year 容易被忽略,因为距离非常的远,在考试中要注意  110 / demanding that
    already conveys the idea of "should," and at any rate a modal auxiliary verb, such as
    should or must, cannot grammatically follow the expression demanded that  142  /X is
    the reason why would be idiomatic but needlessly wordy and awkward  177 / It seems
    likely... may be ...正确答案中没有保留情态动词,因为冗余的关系  237 / never regains
    ... again /were influential on and were an influence on are not idiomatic and furthermore
    could be replaced by the more direct influenced  249 / the phrases more common... compared
    to and more common ... in comparison with are redundant and unidiomatic. The correct form
    is more common than  254 /

   12 重看 / 43 / 从句先于主句出现的时候,从句的主语如果是代词,应优先指代主句的主语 / 90 /
   由于未划线部分的代词所要求的单数名词做主语-要对代词敏感,包括划线/未划线部分  163 /

    when rates means "prices charged," it should be followed by for.
    believe x to be y
    correctly follows estimated with to be.
    distinguishes between x and y
    one attributes x, an effect, to y, a cause; passive construction--x is attributed to y.
    not ... but ...
    difficult to analyze
    no less ... than
    admit their lack should be admit to their lack.
    are native to
    in an attempt to control
    expressing a conditional result (x will happen if y happens)
    the damage to
    have elected to
    denotes the extent must be completed by to which.
    range from... portraits ... to... views
    are(be) in danger of
    When consider means "regard as,"----consider X Y
    its ability to broaden----not for
    when "allow" means "permit": allow... to be based on
    x forbids y to do z or x prohibits y from doing z
    as much as / so much as 否定
    be regarded as -- be believed to -- be credited with -- give credit for  111 /
    research to [verb]  112 /
    claims to be able ... to assess --claim that  
    x ordered y to do z
    restitution... for  
    requiring x to y or requiring that x y, with x as the noun subject and y the
    unconjugated form of the verb   138 /
    the grammatically correct expression demanded that it bring back---the ungrammatical
    expression demanding / demanded it to  142  /
    When mandate is used as a verb to mean "make it mandatory,” it must be followed by
    that and a verb in the subjunctive mood--the ungrammatical mandate x to be balanced 145/
    the idiomatic construction viewed marriage as--the unidiomatic construction viewed
    marriage to be
    to mistake x for y
    considered as is unidiomatic
    persuaded x to [do] y
    required of firms to survive   181  
    to think of X as Y
    targeted specifically at
    either the rivalry between x and y or the rivals x and y
    x ordered y to be z’ed or x ordered that y be z'ed
    the idiom in English is to credit something with having had some effect
    the necessity of ...---not for
    decrease ... to the lowest level
11、值得注意的比较----表示比较的一些非常明显的提示词,in contrast to / like / unlike /
    60 整个句子的完整比较 /  句意中所要表达的对比  114  /  as quantitative expressions,
    equivalent and equal often modify nouns referring to uncountable things--To establish
    numerical comparability between groups with countable members, the phrase as many as
    is preferable.  132 / 同级,高级并存的比较  149  /  an idiomatic form of expression for
    paired coordinates--not X, but rather Y; here rather is optional but preferable because
    it helps establish a contrast between the two types of energy source.  由于插入语的干扰
    使得not..but...结构比较隐蔽 172  /  In B, the subject of the as ... as clause (young
    recruits) should be the subject of the main clause as well (e.g., they). Furthermore,
    main clauses following concessive clauses must express a contrasting notion: for example,
    "As ill-prepared as they are, they nevertheless find good jobs."  177 / 注意是两个不同的
    地震在比较  199 /  明确的比较  224 / 251  /

    undergoing being converted---the sense of process indicated by being has already been
    conveyed by undergoing
    at least as much as a million and more others 要对一些对名词的修饰错误敏感
    not any support agreements is wordy and awkward----no support ...  /
    variations in (among)the electrical properties of underground rocks--among suggests a
    comparison of different electrical properties rather than of different behaviors of the
    same properties    62 /
    the phrase at the time of her being adolescent suggests that Willard's adolescence
    lasted only for a brief, finite moment rather than for an extended period of time  69 /
    liable, followed by an infinitive, can legitimately be used to express probability with
    a bad outcome
    increased by more than twice----faulty because an adverb such as twice cannot function
    as an object of the preposition by  72 /
    as an instance requires of to form such idiomatic constructions as "She cited x as an
    instance of y."  74 /
    when is less precise than as in characterizing a prolonged and gradual process such as
    aging.   84 /
    Having the right hand and arm being crippled by a sniper's bullet during the First World
    War-- the use of the two participles Having and being is ungrammatical.   86 /
    one X for every thirty-two Ys    89 /
    the ungrammatical construction requires of... employers to pay,in which of makes the
    phrase incorrect.   109 /
    the ability of assessing is unidiomatic    117 /
    it is better to use the singular in referring to an anatomical feature common to an
    entire species   167 /
    A and B use due to unidiomatically to mean because; properly used, due to is synonymous
    with attributable to.--due to , owing to, because of 的区别,第一个用在名次后面,后两个
    用在动词后面。 e.g. his absence was due to the storm.  he arrived late due to the storm.
    后者使用owing to / because of 更好    175 /
    E's placement of the In... reformism phrase at the beginning of the sentence is direct
    and efficient 介词短语的位置  190 /
    with结构的修饰   212
    时间状语的正确表达   220
    whether would be preferable to if in presenting the situation as possible rather than ]
    conditional or hypothetical
    a "squinting modifier" --- dominating ...   245  /

[此贴子已经被作者于2003-11-25 20:25:46编辑过]
发表于 2003-11-20 10:06:00 | 只看该作者
发表于 2003-11-21 13:16:00 | 只看该作者
solome MM,谢谢你的贡献!
 楼主| 发表于 2003-11-21 21:14:00 | 只看该作者
有 sbbi gg的鼓励哦, hoho
发表于 2003-11-21 22:41:00 | 只看该作者
sbbi gg哥哥明天去买些礼品奉上。
发表于 2003-11-26 01:49:00 | 只看该作者
solome MM,已加入置顶精华贴.再次感谢!
发表于 2003-11-26 06:23:00 | 只看该作者
发表于 2004-3-29 10:19:00 | 只看该作者
谢谢 MM
发表于 2004-8-11 15:26:00 | 只看该作者



发表于 2004-10-8 11:35:00 | 只看该作者
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