224. Contrary to popular opinion, the movement toward a service economy is leading neither to lower standards of living, more of an unequal distribution of income, or displacing the physical production of goods. (A) leading neither to lower standards of living, more of an unequal distribution of income, or (B) leading neither to lower standards of living nor a more unequal distribution of income, or (C) not leading to either lower standards of living nor to more of an unequal distribution of income, and neither is it (D) not leading to lower standards of living, more of an unequal distribution of income, and it is not (E) not leading to lower standards of living or to a more unequal distribution of income, nor is it 根据对称排除ABCE,答案D,it指代什么呢?如果指代the movement的话,为什么more of 前面没有and或者but 呢?谢谢!!! |