今天感觉基本发挥正常。阅读觉得简单,但还是没拿全. 好,废话少说。30-25-55 听力: 段子 Biology: 讲毒蛇的;前人机井有;(Sorry for typing in English due to the Computer problem) Q1:mainly about; Q2:people should not fear rattle snake so much, because 8000 persons got bitten but only 18 died,
A student(M) came to ask professor(F) whether she would teach Shakespeare in next semester(Q1), because he liked the way she teaching.;And prof said she would teach other lectures than Shakespeare, and will show him books about those lectures.(Q2)
About the causes and the differences between various thunder flash.
Reading: 1iano sales greatly declined in early 20th century because of the development of phonograph and radio.And 2:Ships building in 17th century. 3eer’s great adaptation in North America. 4: contemporary hunting-gathers who lived in marginal area of the earth, such as in desert, arctic, dense forest. Talk about their differences with the hunting-gathers in the past. 5:Canada’s flourishing in economy in early 20th century due to the big immigrant population into it, which is caused by lots of unoccupied land and the easy transportation between Canada and US. Words: flourishing--thriving dense-thick erratically- unpredictably] Gauge--measure Lading-cargo
Essay writing: The tewntieth century saw great change. In your opinion, what is one change that should be remembered about the twentieth century? Use specific reasons and details to explain your choice.
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