先看了北美范文,把其中的一些表达抄出来,然后过几天自己写,我在想这样是不是有更好的效果 The extent to which government shall censor its broadcast media for offensive language and behavior involves a conflict between our right as individual to freely choose and the duty of government to protect its citizenry from potential harm. While I value the individual right to make choice, I believe government censorship is necessary to ensure the healthy content of television and radio, thus, to maximum the social interest.
The reason for me to approve the government censorship is that exposure to offensive language and behavior will inevitable lead a debasing impact on moral standard, which is the foundation of society. As we all know, broadcast media, like television and radio, is the main instant source that influence people most. If this source of information is full of unselected content of obscenity, people will expose to this type of offensive content everywhere. As a matter of fact, to attract as many audiences as possible, television and radio are inclined to broadcast offensive products. As a consequence, people, especially the youth, exposed to this type of content will perform similar behavior and language. Although we do not have a conclusive scientific evidence of a cause-effect relationship, ample anecdotal evidence establishes a significant correlation. A wide-spreading immoral language and behavior will promote a tendency towards corruption of social fabric, which holds a society together.
However, since the right to choose, a crucial part of individual right, is the intrinsic value to a democracy, I hold that the power of government censorship shall be limited to an acceptable extent. It is not easy to define 'offensive' language and behavior, and thus hard to decide which content shall be filtered during censorship. Furthermore, the difficulties to estimate the consequence of unacceptable mass-media content are hard to solve. Here I suggest that government can category all programs based on the outcome of censorship and give out some instruction about the categories. For example, adult can watch some programs that contain some obscenity content, whereas children are only permitted to access the cleanest. Of course, extremely offensive language and behavior shall never be shown, just as we mentioned above.
In sum, the government shall give some solution to balance the individual right to choose and potential harm from mass-media offensive language. I admit deciding the extent of censorship is a hard task, but the effort will be worthwhile. |