对不住大家,不知道是不是电脑出毛病了,一下是敲上去的就好了。。。 1. The primary responsibility of citizens is to obey their nation's civil and criminal laws. 2.Although most people wish to live long lives, attempting to significantly extend the average human life span would be a mistake. If achieved, this would plance an enormous burden on resources, lowering the quality of life for everyone. (3次) 3.Lying should be avioded primarily because it harms people's ability to live together in society. 4.Each generation's culture achievements-such as those in music, art,or literature-represent improvements on the cultural achievements of previous generations. 5.Public figures should avoid expressing opinions about things that they have not personally experienced or been directly affected by. 6.The increasing popularity of video games and Internet suggests that consumers now want a more interactive entertainment experience than books,movies,and television can provide. 7.Only by traveling outside the country of one's birth can one understand the world and its people. 8.Because it is in the best interest of a society to promote integrity and moral behavior, governments should censor television and redio programs for offensive language and behavior. 9.Despite the violence and stereotypes present in many popular forms of entertainment created for childre(such as books, movies, and video games),we should still allow children to experience this kind of entertainment. 10.Portrayals,of violence have proven commercially successful in television programs, movies, songs,and other forms of popular entertainment. Therefore, those who create popular entertainment should continue to incorporate violence into their product. 11.The best teachers are those who expect the students to challenge the popular ideas rather than accept them.(新题,并且不在题库中!注意!) |