收到SAI一封信,内容如下: Deadlines for the validation of your application online and for the reception by the SAI of the official documents required remain unchanged: 1st March 2009 for examination centres outside Europe and 10 March 2009 for examination centres in Europe.
Please note that incomplete applications will be refused by the SAI after these dates.
Therefore, in order to process and finalize your application in due time, we strongly advise you to to validate your online application form and send us before 10 January 2009 the documents detailed below... 这个before 10 January是不是可以不用太在意,保证G和材料在3月1日之前到就可以了?问问NN,最合适的时间是什么时间把材料寄出去呢?1月末? 16号还要2战G,这么紧不是要命嘛... 谢谢大家