下头英文是小弟的回答 - http://www.chemy.idv.tw/phpbb2/viewtopic.php?p=197355#197355
Q: [Program Fitting]MBA到底怎么选校?(地区/学费/课程导向)? 最近实在是有点confused美国这么多商学院.到底各位是怎么选校的~即使我把目标锁定在Top 50还是不知道该从何了解他们各自的校风/强项领域/教学特色/招生习性/提供给国际学生宿舍的比例等细项我看网路上大多推荐US NEWS出版的顶尖研究所书籍..但是想请问有看过的人分享.里面大概是介绍些什么ㄋ ?会有我想知道的那些资讯吗? (因为他是各科系都有..不知道对欲申请MBA的人受用程度如何)拜托各位好心前辈顺便分享一下你们选校重点/顺序的经验好呗^^除了个别上学校的网站去探寻.有没有其他书籍或是网站会做个比较detail的介绍和比较ㄋ小妹在此献上无尽的感谢x 100
A: simply put have your GMAT and TOEFL scores ready first then you'll have a pretty focused range for less than 20 schools by cross-comparing 3 major ranking systems BW, FT, and US News
then assess your career passion and capabilities in detail and compare your specific needs with different currirula the "fit" schools will emerge by themselves if you're really focus enough it should be less than 6 schools for your laser-focused career options since every school has dramatic different positioning and unique strengths
after all these career requirements then it's time to select schools by regions, tuitions, weather...etc. and when you're choosing schools schools are also choosing you it all lies in the best mutual fit to maximize your career value and the equity of the school