在testmagic上看到的,虽然有些特殊但可以参考一下。。。 Here's a summarized profile 2/25) I'm an Industrial Engineer from the top school in my country (Latin American country), top 2% of my class. I can't translate the GPA but it would be something like 3.7 (although on a relative basis it looks better). 800/650/5.0 GRE, 119 TOEFL. I've got some research experience as an RA to a very well known, very active young MIT professor. I worked for 2 1/2 years at an investment bank and have since then worked for a year at my former university as a junior instructor (finance theory for engineering undergrads). I also wrote some stuff on political economy, nothing very relevant. One of my letters is from the MIT professor, one from a well known econ professor in my country and another one from the head of the department where I work. I'm applying to Finance programs at Stanford, HBS, MIT, Chicago, Kellogg, CMU (accepted), LBS (accepted), Yale, UCLA, Berkeley (rejected), Boston College, NYU, Columbia (accepted), UBC and Duke. 还是要拜一下,看到差距了,尽管这个背景已经写的很低调。他可能会去Columbia