面试之前在CD上获得很多讯息,希望这个面经也能帮助很多人。Cornell的面试确实和其他的有些不同。 Interviewer: Debbie 1.Career path after University; 2.What is the job for a team leader; 3.Is IPO new in China?( I mentioned IPO in the answer for the last question. I was wonering why she asked this question. 我没听对?我还让她重复了一遍。。。) 3.What is the biggest responsibility of the job; 4.any story about working with a difficult suppervisor; 5.a difficult decision; 6.what's the definition about culture shock. ( I mentioned culture shock in the last qusetion) 7.Why MBA; 8.Why Johson; 9.what club or the organization you are interested in? 10.How did you learn English. |