18. If there is a decrease in the number of homeless families, then either the number of available jobs has increased or else the cost of renting or purchasing housing has decreased. If the cost of renting or purchasing housing has decreased, then the supply of housing must be greater than the demand. 文章类型:前提结论型 如果无家可归的家庭数目减少,哪么要么可获得的工作数目增加,要么租屋或够买房子的成本下降。如果租屋和购买房子的成本下降,哪么房子的供给必须大于需求。 Assume that there is a decrease in the number of homeless families. According to the passage, which one of the following statements CANNOT be true? (A) The number of jobs has been decreasing. (B) The cost of renting or purchasing housing has been decreasing, and housing supply exceeds demand. (C) The number of jobs has been increasing, and the cost of renting or purchasing housing has been stable. (D) The number of jobs has been decreasing, the cost of renting or purchasing housing has been decreasing, and housing demand exceeds supply.(D) (E) The number of jobs has been increasing, the cost of renting or purchasing housing has been increasing, and housing supply exceeds demand. 答案是D,我觉得E也行。房子数目增加,购房的成本增加,并且房子供给超过了需求。从题目中看出,房子增加数合理,后面部分则是与问矛盾的(原文说如果租屋和购买房子的成本下降,哪么房子的供给必须大于需求。因为逆否命题成立)。求NN帮忙诊断下。。房子数目增加,购房的成本增加,并且房子供给超过了需求。从题目中看出,房子增加数合理,后面部分则是与问矛盾的(原文说如果租屋和购买房子的成本下降,哪么房子的供给必须大于需求。因为逆否命题成立)。求NN帮忙诊断下。 我对D项的理解,工作数目减少,购房成本减少并且购房需求超过供给。理由类似E,如果购房成本减少,哪么供给应该超过需求。 难道是这两个选项矛盾的地方相同,说明该情况不存在,而D项前面可以不能让结论成立,而E项前面部分可以让结论成立?求证一下。
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-4-19 15:24:23编辑过] |