这个offer其实也拿了蛮久了。记得当时2/22日晚上的Kentucky的电话面试,然后第二天早上就收到了他们的offer。 Program: PhD in Management with emphasis on Strategic Management Tuition waived, health insurance covered, 20 hours per week GA, and $12,500 per year stipends. Background: Bachelor degree from New Zealand, GPA:3.23; MBA degree from an AACSB accredited U.S. University (the B-school ranking is low), GPA: 4.0; Worked as a graduate teaching assistant for 1 year and graduate research assistant for 1 year. 他们学校还不错啦,主要是地理位置离我现在的学校比较近,那边的环境很熟悉,lexington还是一个比较适合居住的地方,不算大但也不算太小。他们的program里面也还有几个不错的management professor,例如Dr.Dan Brass and Dr. Walter Ferrier. 但是我觉得他们的奖学金太低了,所以打算看看其他学校的offer情况再说! |